Yeah, because no one saw this one coming. When
Courtney Stodden became a child bride at 16 to then 50-year-old freakazoid (and Tooms on
X Files actor)
Doug Hutchison, I don't think anyone in their right mind believed it would last. Why would it? She was a brainwashed child desperate for fame that he no doubt promised her he could provide... which he did, just for all the wrong reasons. He was a bit of a pervert with a predilection for seducing underage girls on the Internet (that's where they met, guys) who really must've thought he hit the jackpot with Courtney. What could go wrong?
Well, Courtney is 19 now and this past summer, she decided to take part in a show called
Celebrity Big Brother over in the UK. It was her first extended period of time away from Doug, and the producers of the series very smartly sort of kept him out of the whole process as Courtney was given a lot of the spotlight to herself, without him. She really blossomed on that show and gained a lot of invaluable independence. By the time she came out at the end of the show, her reunion with Doug was lukewarm at best. She SAID she was happy to see him, but you could totally see the cogs turning then and there: she wanted out.
The Daily Mail:
The controversial couple are going their separate ways after a controversial two-and-a-half year marriage, sources have told MailOnline.
On Thursday night Courtney, 19, threw a Halloween party at their rented Hollywood Hills home - but Doug was not there.It is understood Courtney decided to end the marriage and Doug, 53, is said to be heartbroken.
The split comes just two months after she made an appearance on Celebrity Big Brother in the UK. Sources tell MailOnline the reality show was the beginning of the end for the couple.
Well, thank fuck for this. I seriously hope as part of this split, homegirl gets some counseling to process the shit she's been through over the past few years. Not only was she seduced by an old man online, she married him,
changed her physical appearance for him and also has a mother who was TOTALLY INTO ALL OF IT and saw no problem with her 16-year-old daughter marrying some middle aged washed up actor who swore he could get her fame. SMH SMH.
That's not to say that Courtney has been a pushover or that none of what she's done over the years was her own personal choice, because I do think she's quite intelligent and headstrong, but lord almighty, this was one giant mess. Get outta there, girl!

Yeah, because no one saw this one coming. When Courtney Stodden became a child bride at 16 to then 50-year-old freakazoid (and Tooms on X Files actor) Doug Hutchison, I don't think anyone in their right mind believed it would last. Why would it? She was a brainwashed child desperate for fame that he no doubt promised her he could provide... which he did, just for all the wrong reasons. He was a bit of a pervert with a predilection for seducing underage girls on the Internet (that's where they me...