Denise Richards has been looking after Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller's 4-year-old twins, Bob and Max, for the past few months since their parents are both raging drug addicts with no ability to parent a child. However, things are about to become a whole lot messier as even Denise can't handle these little bad asses anymore. They're torturing her dogs and her daughters and just being really violent and throw their own shit, among other things. Denise has had enough, so much so that she went to the authorities to tell them so.
We all love our grandparents, don't we? I think I spent more time at my Nana and PopPop's house as a child than I did at my own house - they were just that awesome. That being said, it's nice when you get a little older and you can pay tribute to your parents' parents in a meaningful way... like perhaps, you know, getting their face tattooed on your forearm or something?
That's what Miley Cyrus did. "Because I am her favorite & she is mine," she said of her grandmother, Loretta Finley,...
Oh, Cher, bless her heart. She recently did a Facebook Q&A with fans in which she was asked what she would say to her ex-husband and musical partner of several decades, Sonny Bono, if he were still alive today? Her reply was fucking priceless:
Question: Hi Cher, if Sonny Bono were still alive today, but you only had a minute to talk to him, what would you say?"
Answer: "How hot is it where you just came from?"
Ha! Obviously Cher was being irreverent and tongue-in-cheek because she...
Jennifer Lopez has never had any kind of surgery, apparently [Amy Grindhouse]
Is Jaimie Alexander your new Wonder Woman? [The Superficial]
Nicole Kidman looks pretty good as a grandma, I admit [Lainey Gossip]
Brooke Mueller denied a restraining order against Charlie Sheen [Celebitchy]
Can we take a moment to celebrate Matthew McConaughey? [theBERRY]
Stevie Nicks really needs to take her dog to the groomer! [The Frisky]
Who's the more handsome brother: Chris or Liam Hemsworth? [I'm Not Obsessed]
Katy Perry has more Twi...
Pamela Anderson is awesome. I couldn't run a marathon at 29, but she's 46 and still killed the 26.2 mile New York City Marathon last Sunday in less than six hours. Even better, she raised $76,000 for Sean Penn's J/P Haitian Relief Organization by doing so, which is a pretty nice chunk of change for the charity.
Of course, the run takes its toll on anyone who participates, and she hit up Twitter after the race to share a photo of her post-race state: in bed, icing her knee and hip with a TV...
He just raps about them in really derogatory ways because HELLO, that's his choice as an artist. If you don't get that, then you're clearly not clued in on what it means to be good at art... or something. Sure, Eminem might use the word faggot a bit gratuitously, but he doesn't mean anything by it!
From Rolling Stone:
You've made it clear again and again that you don't actually have a problem with gay people. So why, in 2013, use "faggot" on that song? Why use "gay-looking" as an insult?
I ...
Lady GaGa's new album, ARTPOP, leaked online last week. I downloaded it because I'm a masochist, which is why I'm even writing up this story. The Lady herself did a sit-down interview with The Daily Mail in which she rambled on about the artistic significance of the record and started calling it the reverse of Andy Warhol and a bunch of other garbage.
Here, let's let her speak for herself:
"Well I'd define it in lots of different ways. On the album I say, 'We could belong together ARTPOP', so in the simplest way I would say the dream of these two things belonging, art and pop to...
I enjoy the fact that Selena Gomez is still hanging on to her pure-as-the-driven-snow Disney image, in a lot of ways (yes, I know 'Come and Get It' was anything but, but you know what I mean). What I don't particularly like is the fact that while she's proud of her status as a lady your family might like to meet, she simultaneously shuns those that are anything other than that.
From Teen Vogue:
"So a part of you is broken when that's gone. And part of you wants to have that rebellious feeling where you're just ...
Let's talk about Nicki Minaj's butt, shall we? [IDLYITW]
Now that Kendall Jenner is 18, will she do porn? [The Superficial]
Did Justin Timberlake really need to wear a hat? [Lainey Gossip]
Simon Cowell wants to name his baby after himself [Amy Grindhouse]
Holly Madison's daughter is adorable, right? [ICYDK]
Again I must ask: What the hell is wrong with Lady GaGa? [Fishwrapper]
Cate Blanchett doesn't want to be "stroked and massaged like a guinea pig" [Celebitchy]
Doesn't Jared Leto ...
Kanye West thinks he's sooooo fucking clever and revolutionary, doesn't he? In reality, he's a megalomaniacal egomaniac with delusional tendencies and he needs to get his life together. His most recent concoction is the idea of "reclaiming" the Confederate flag and putting it on t-shirts and other apparel items that he's going to sell to the public. I can't make this up, people.
From 97.1 Amp Radio:
"React how you want. You know, the Confederate flag represents slavery in a way. That's my abstract take on what I know about it, right? So I ...
Some fans in Brazil shelled out some pretty big bucks - the eqiuvalent of $500, in fact - for a special meet-and-greet package with the love of their lives, Justin Bieber. Now, Justin is a busy man-child, of course, so he couldn't spend hours with his fans, but while most artists at least take a few moments to chat with each person who's paid the money and taken the time to come backstage, what Justin Bieber's fans got was... a whole lot less.
What the fuck just happened? The girls got five seconds to take a picture before they were PHYSICALLY SHOVED...
Michelle Pfeiffer used to be in a cult that only existed on sunshine [Celebitchy]
What the hell is Kelly Ripa supposed to be? [The Superficial]
Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck with their kids are adorable [Lainey Gossip]
Do you care about Daniel Tosh being naked? [OMG Blog]
Nothing beats Patrick Stewart as a lobster. Nothing! [PopBytes]
Miley Cyrus is getting $50,000 per night on tour [Amy Grindhouse]
Hey look, Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale are out and about [ICYDK]
What's going on with Naomi Campbell these days? [I'm Not Obsessed]
Celine D...