In the letter we all knew was coming, Woody Allen took to The New York Times' Sunday Review to go on and on about how innocent he is in the Dylan Farrow sex abuse scandal in a way that is not at all convincing. Sure, Allen can spin a yarn and has all the fancy words to proclaim what an upstanding guy he is, but being well-spoken doesn't erase the fact that he's a child molester. I'm sorry, but it doesn't. I don't care that a court never prosecuted him - that trial was FULL of bullshit errors o...
Oh God, this is STILL HAPPENING. Charlie Sheen wasn't so pleased when Ashton Kutcher took his place on Two and a Half Men THREE YEARS AGO, but while most people would have long ago left that nonsense behind, Charlie's STILL talking about it and trying to drag Ashton via Twitter every once in a while (when he's drunk/high on cocaine?). Look, Two and a Half Men is a misogynistic shitshow with the worst, most unbelievable, most ridiculous plotlines I've ever seen. One time I was watching something on C...
Oh, Russell Brand. He's got a lot of political ideals, many of which I either vaguely or heartily agree on, but sometimes he says stuff that just... eh, I dunno. It rubs me (and MANY people, I'm sure) the wrong way. His latest claim is that drug laws and the stigma against addicts caused Philip Seymour Hoffman's death last week from a heroin overdose. In a sense, I get where he's going. We'd have been much less shocked if someone like Miley or Justin fell victim to their wild lifestyles; it w...
I don't think Miley Cyrus has done a photoshoot in the past year in which she's had all of her clothes on. Seriously, find me one because I don't think it exists. Her latest foray into the world of nude modeling was for W Magazine, in which she was so naked that there are actually OUTTAKES that the magazine didn't run. One such outtake Miley felt should be put on Twitter, which is where the above pic came from. She posted it with the following caption:
Coming soon in @wmag "bed time portraits By @mertalas & @macpiggott" so xxxited check it out 2 see the real deal??
Girl, just a small ...
North West will be in Kim and Kanye's wedding [Amy Grindhouse]
Pharrell's mounty hat comes in so many different colours! [ICYDK]
Johnny Depp and Marilyn Manson are BFF apparently [Lainey Gossip]
David Beckham bought his own soccer team! [I'm Not Obsessed]
Helen Flanagan got naked AGAIN [Drunken Stepfather - NSFW]
Christina Aguilera is pregnant again! [Celeb Dirty Laundry]
Carmen Electra leaves nothing to the imagination [Taxi Driver Movie - NSFW]
Brandi Glanville hasn't learned how to shut ...
I'm not sure why this is even a discussion at this point, to be honest, but apparently people are super interested on how many drugs Leonardo DiCaprio has done in his life, given his role in The Wolf of Wall Street as a coke snorting asshole. Well, here's an answer for you: NONE! Leo swears that not a single drug has ever entered his body in any form, which I find a little hard to believe and kinda silly to lie about, but whatever.
From The Los Angeles Times:
"There was a major prostitution ring on my street corner, crime and violence everywhe...
Press pause on your DVD of The Notebook and scratch out those hearts you were drawing with "[Your Name] + Ryan Gosling = True Love 4 Eva" on your notebooks, because it turns out all those rumours of Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes deciding to call it quits are false! That is, at least according to a rep for Eva, who has everything to gain by trying to keep her ass in the spotlight for SOMETHING.
Ryan and Eva have been doing this dating song and dance for a while now, but they haven't been seen together in p...
Lady GaGa is a bit of an enigma - or at least that's what she'd hope you think of her - and seems to be all over the place most of the time. She's battled lots of demons in her life, including eating disorders and severe depression, so it should be no surprise that they occasionally make reappearances and tend to take over her psyche. One of those times was apparently the end of this past year, when she got so depressed that she didn't think she'd live.
From Harper's Bazaar:
I became very dep...
Demi Lovato on Selena Gomez: 'Only the strongest people ask for help' [Amy Grindhouse]
Did the 'Biggest Loser' winner lose way too much weight? [ICYDK]
Yup, Kate Winslet is still flawless without makeup [Lainey Gossip]
How does Mario Lopez get such shiny hair? [I'm Not Obsessed]
Did Philip Seymour Hoffman have a secret gay lover? [The Superficial]
This is what Miley Cyrus did for GQ Russia [IDLYITW]
The whole "Madonna and Pussy Riot collaborate" thing went down in New York [Bohomoth]
What's Lauren Conrad's favourite positi...
Oh, Justin Bieber. It's all getting so fucking predictable now that my fingers are typing the words before I've even finished reading the news. He's an asshole, he's doing asshole things. His most recent exploits consist of ordering a private jet with his father and the pair of them (and whatever other cronies Justin had with him) harassing the flight attendants and filling the plane with so much pot smoke that the pilots had to wear oxygen masks and the flight attendant hid with them in the cock...
Just because we know Justin Bieber is total bastard doesn't mean Selena Gomez is pure as the driven snow or anything. That's probably not all that surprising, considering someone with a lot of self-respect/dislike for out-of-control lifestyles wouldn't have stuck with a dickhead boyfriend for that long. However, here's something we probably weren't expecting: Selena actually went to rehab as recently as last month... and then quit two weeks in. Oh, dear.
From TMZ:
Sources close to Selena tell u...