I suppose we haven't really been paying enough (or any) attention lately to Amanda Seyfried, because she's feeling the need to show off a bit in her new interview with W Magazine, claiming that she just loves sex scenes and especially loved kissing Megan Fox in Jennifer's Body because it was "sexy". Girl, stop trying to make yourself happen. You ain't happening.
"[Megan Fox and I] kissed really well together. We have similar kissing styles. If I watch the scene, it's actually really sexy. We got it done for the masses, and, sadly, the masses didn't show ...
Remember when MIA performed with Madonna during the Super Bowl halftime show in 2012 and she decided it'd be super fun to give the middle finger, because she's 12 and ~a ToTaL rEbEl~? Well, that little stunt is going to cost her $16 million, which - let's be honest - homegirl clearly does not have.
Here's the deal: the NFL is apparently suing MIA for breaching her performance contract and wants an extra $15.1m in restitution on top of the original $1.5m it's been seeking for the past two years. I guess the $15 million is what advertisers would have paid during that performance sl...
Ashton Kutcher is just old-fashioned, okay? [Lainey Gossip]
Scarlett Johansson isn't very smart, is she? [ICYDK]
Beyoncé thinks Kim Kardashian's wedding will be tacky [PopBytes]
Nope, still don't get what's happening with Jeremy Renner's hair [Socialite Life]
Kendall Jenner is getting paid to Instagram underwear [Drunken Stepfather - NSFW]
Cameron Diaz thinks everyone will be cheated on? [Celebitchy]
Greyston Holst got naked, if that's your thing [OMG Blog]
Miley Cyrus' tour bus caught on fire! [Celebuzz]
Avril Lavigne is ...
Remember that misdemeanor battery case stemming from Kanye West apparently attacking a photographer at LAX last July? Well, it's reached its conclusion, which has left Yeezus himself with a two year probation term, 250 hours of community service and 24 anger management sessions. Damn!
From CNN:
A no contest plea is treated the same as a guilty plea for purposes of the sentencing.
Judge Alan Rubin sentenced West to serve two years' probation for the misdemeanor battery conviction. He must attend 24 anger m...
Chris Brown was hauled off to jail last weekend after being kicked out of rehab for reportedly getting "too close" to the women in the facility, which was a violation of his "stay at least two feet away from the female patients at all time" rule that applied specifically to him. He violated a few other rules, as well, but that was the biggest one.
In any case, of course he thought he'd get out of jail right away and go back to terrorizing the world, as has been the case for the past several years. ...
Juan Pablo Galavis really took the cake as the WORST star of The Bachelor in history from the second his season began airing earlier this year. He's just awful. He's a misogynistic, egotistical, ignorant ass man who needs to seriously shut his mouth. Even the contestants originally competing for his love hated him, so that should tell you something.
While it's pretty much universally agreed that Juan Pablo is a giant asshat, he's still felt the need to write a blog for People in which he insists that he doesn't like drama and...
There's video of Lady GaGa getting puked on [The Superficial]
Zac Efron on a velvet throne is something you want to see [Socialite Life]
Here's this week's sexiest social media pics [Celebslam]
Justin Theroux hates Jennifer Aniston's friend [ICYDK]
Here's the Duke University porn star doing her thing [Drunken Stepfather - NSFW]
Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. are so cute! [Lainey Gossip]
Terry Richardson is still on a witch hunt [Celebitchy]
Kristen Bell is showing you what's under her skirt [Taxi Driver Movie - NSFW]
People were always going to get up in arms over Darren Aronofsky's new film, Noah, which is a retelling of the classic Biblical tale. Of course, it's a movie, so of course they take some liberties to make it suitable for the big screen and actually entertaining. Otherwise, everyone would be asleep. Of course, some religious nuts were protesting it before the film even came out, so it now has a disclaimer in the beginning to appease those who might complain:
Of course, if you go into a...
Little Mix have become massively popular over there in the US, which is amazing - I remember them when they were randomly thrown together during the bootcamp stage on The X Factor UK several years ago, and they've grown to become an amazing girl group. I love them! I would've bought tickets to see them if I thought anyone else in the audience would be over the age of 12!
Well, Mel C - that's Sporty Spice, in case you forgot - is also a fan. She appeared in the group's new video for 'Word Up!'...
For some reason, Miley Cyrus has been hanging out with Wayne Coyne from The Flaming Lips. What in the hell do they do together? Well, get "high as fuck" (impressive, eh?) and apparently cover the Beatles' 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'. Uhhh... what?
Wayne posted the above photo, as well as the one below, on his Instagram to show off the pair's new-found friendship. Why that's something to brag about, I'm not sure, but here we are. Also, the poor Beatles - even the ones who are still alive - will be rolling in their graves over this ...
Chris Brown spent the entire weekend in jail, thank God [Celebslam]
Westboro Baptist Church leader Fred Phelps is dying [The Superficial]
Miley Cyrus' Twitter pics are not as crazy as you might think [Socialite Life]
Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams celebrated their anniversary in style [ICYDK]
Christina Milian went braless in a see-through dress [Taxi Driver Movie - NSFW]
Prince William and Kate Middleton are looking good! [Lainey Gossip]
Which celeb went off on a paparazzo who snapped a pi...