Today's Evil Beet Gossip

James Franco tried to pick up a 17-year-old girl on Instagram

blog030414_franco I wish this was an elaborate April Fools' Day jokes, but unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case. James Franco seriously tried to pick up at 17-year-old girl named Lucy Clode on Instagram. James really wanted to meet up with her at a New York hotel where she was staying since she's actually from Scotland. She even met him the day before all this went down outside of the theatre where Of Mice and Men is happening. It's all so bizarre. Apparently this hopped from Instagram to private ...

Justin Bieber is probably getting another plea deal

justin bieber The last we heard of Justin Bieber's Miami DUI case, he was offered a plea deal that would mean he'd have to submit to random drug testing, which is a no go considering his, you know, rampant drug use. Since Baby Bieber was having a hissy fit, it was pretty certain that this case would be going to trial, except now it seems like he's been given an entirely NEW plea deal in which he gets absolutely everything he wants??? From TMZ: Sources familiar with the case tell TMZ ... prosecutors ha...

Katy Perry’s wax figure is headed to London

katy perry There are exactly six Katy Perry wax figures in the world today, spread out around the world from the US to Asia and beyond. I took a picture with one in Las Vegas! Well, one of those wax Katys (Katies?) is headed to London now for a special candy-themed Easter exhibition at the city's Madame Tussauds museum. Here's what a Madame Tussauds spokesperson had to say: "Katy's amazing wax figure is paying us a visit from Madame Tussauds Sydney, and as it's Easter we thought we'd pay tribute to...

Is Alanis Morissette’s dog being held hostage?

alanis morissette I just had to use TMZ's original photo here because it literally made me laugh for a full 60 seconds before I pulled it together and tried to take this story seriously. Here's the deal: Alanis Morissette is the owner of that handsome little canine above. His name is Circus, but he's been kidnapped by Alanis' former housekeeper when she got fired. The housekeeper is saying that Alanis gave her the dog because it was shitting everywhere but Alanis is saying they're holding Circus hostage and now it's some whole big thing. Alanis and her hubby Mario Tre...

Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry’s wedding was crazy!

linda perry sara gilbert Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry tied the knot in Malibu over the weekend, and while we've already learned that it was a beautiful and touching ceremony, apparently the reception was hardcore and more like a rock concert than a formal event. Tell us all about it, TMZ: According to our sources, Sharon Osbourne, Julie Chen, Aisha Tyler, Steven Tyler, Juliette Lewis and Tobey Maguire were all in attendance. But the stars of the show were the people who took the stage, backed by 80s cover group Flash...

Rihanna is dodging Tyler Perry and it’s Whitney Houston’s fault

riri Rihanna's not really what you would call an actress, despite that awful appearance in Battleship - and I say that as a Rihanna fan. Singer? Of course. Fashion plate? I'll buy it. However, she's still hot shit in the celebrity world, so of course Mr. Madea himself, Tyler Perry, wants to book her in for a new movie role. The problem is, that's never going to happen because Whitney Houston told RiRi before she died that Tyler Perry movies are for "fading black stars". Ouch! From Radar: “Whitney put her off ...

Kim Kardashian ran away from a blow job

kim k Alright, I know that title was a bit crass for so early in the morning, but I couldn't help myself. Kim Kardashian (and the entire Kardashian/Jenner clan, for that matter) are filming over in Thailand right now, and while they're all #blessed to be experiencing the country's beauty (yes, that's seriously a hashtag they used), they also can't forget to take time for some selfies. Kim was working on what she probably thought was gonna be a pretty bad ass selfie with an elephant, but things s...

Lorde isn’t really into Photoshop

lorde Lorde is a pretty obnoxious kid sometimes, unfortunately. It happens - she's 17 and thinks she knows everything about the world, but then didn't we all at that age? However, she is pretty cool and mature for her age sometimes and her music is pretty good, so I was pretty pleased when she spoke out about Photoshopping on her Twitter page the other day. Apparently someone took some photos of her during a recent concert and did some handy dandy editing to make her skin look nicer. That's sweet and all, but Lorde embraces her impe...


andrew garfield emma stone Are you burnt out on the Emma Stone/Andrew Garfield romance? [Lainey Gossip] Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are getting wedding tattoos... [ICYDK] The Kardashians are filming in Thailand... [Celebitchy] Cara Delevingne and Michelle Rodriguez are enjoying a topless vacation [Taxi Driver Movie - NSFW] Beyoncé's new video is so '90s [The Frisky] Sorry, but Zac Efron looks great in tight t-shirts [Socialite Life] Natalie Dormer got naked for 'GQ', as you do [Drunken Stepfather -...

Miranda Kerr is ready to “sexually explore” with women

miranda kerr It's only been about six months since Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom announced their separation, but they're already moving on to bigger and better things. In fact, Miranda is ready to do some sexual exploration... with women as well as men! Asked about her romantic life in the new issue of GQ, she said: "I appreciate both men and women. I love the female body and truly appreciate the female form. I really enjoy sketching women, especially their backs. I definitely need a man in the bedroom, however -- a nice strong chest to lie on. Still, I want ...

Chris Evans won’t be quitting acting, after all

chris evans Chris Evans made some pretty douchey comments recently about how he always wanted to direct but since he can't, well, he guesses he HAS to just go make millions on acting. However, he insisted he'd only take part in Marvel movies and other than that, no dice. Boo hoo, right? Well, turns out, that's not what he actually meant by that and you're all getting your panties in a twist over nothing, as he explained (sorta?) on Good Morning America this week: "[Suddenly I'm] retiring, hanging up ...

Trailer: Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel’s ‘Sex Tape’

jason segel cameron diaz If you want to know the plot of Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel's new movie, Sex Tape, it's simple: a married couple realize a sex tape they made has gone missing and it's been uploaded to "the cloud" so the entire movie is spent looking for it. It's apparently really raunchy and hilarious (supposed to be, anyway) and that's about it. I dunno, looks pretty awful to me. What do you think? Follow us on Twitter | Facebook...