David Guetta is a DJ who is filthy fucking rich just for knowing how to push a few buttons on a laptop, and people go batshit for this dude. Of course, EDM isn't what it once was when rave culture was at its peak, but the younger generation is still loving polished club music and basically handing David Guetta money.
Last weekend, Guetta "played" a set at Tomorrowland festival in Belgium, and clearly he'd taken a little too much acid/ecstasy/whatever newfangled drug kids these days do at mu...
Lady Gaga likes dressing up as every nationality of the world, and her most recent foray into international waters was the outfit seen above, which she wore in New York City where she was out promoting Cheek to Cheek. I don't even really know where to begin with this one. I suppose the nose ring is a creative touch compared to just a bindi, which is the more popular cultural appropriation accessory.
In addition to being ridiculous, this outfit just looks ugly (on her). Not feeling it.
Ohhhh shit, Martha Stewart is throwing shade! Blake Lively may have just launched her own lifestyle website, but Martha is not worried about her coming for the homemaker crown and thinks Blake ought to stick to acting because she will never be on her plane of existence. LOVE IT.
From Page Six:
When asked about Lively’s new website, Preserve, Stewart, 72, seemed puzzled as to why the “Gossip Girl” actress would want to be anything like her.
“Let her try,” Stewart told the Huff...
Scarlett Johansson is very pregnant and living her glamourous French life, so she's been opting for a more natural beauty look lately. Her most recent move is an interesting one: a very short, very strange haircut that looks like she did herself in a Britney-esque breakdown. It actually kind of suits her, I just wonder if it's for a role or to escape the bullshit summer weather (IT IS HOT!).
What do you think? Does she pull it off?
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It's no secret that Zac Efron has had his share of issues with drugs and alcohol. He even went to rehab and is apparently back on the wagon (apparently being the key word). Well, now he's decided to open up about his struggles to none other than Bear Grylls, as they walked around mountains and drank their own piss, or whatever you do on that show.
Here's the scoop from US Weekly:
The High School Musical alum, 26, was the first celebrity to appear on Running Wild with Bear Grylls, NBC's ne...
This hot ass mess of a song came out yesterday, but I decided I should probably write it up today since it managed to reach #1 in 11 countries in 24 hours. Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj teamed up for a screamfest pop track with added rap element in 'Bang Bang', a song that's so all over the place I don't know what the hell I'm listening to half the time. Is it catchy? Eh, kinda. Is it full of bars being oversung in ways that would rival Christina Aguilera? You betcha. Here ya go anyway...
Well, sorta. Orlando Bloom and Justin Bieber have been rumoured to be at odds for a long while now - Justin has been seen with Miranda Kerr and Orlando has hung out with Selena Gomez a handful of times - and it seems there's some truth to those reports. Apparently Orlando and JB got into an argument recently in Ibiza which culminated in Orlando throwing a punch straight towards Justin's face, only Justin ducked before he could make contact. Sucker.
From TMZ:
The eyewitnesses tell TMZ ... ...
Leonardo DiCaprio seems to be living it up this summer, hanging out on yachts, doing karate on the beach, and now apparently having a water gun fight with his friends. Nevermind that Leo is 39 years old and filthy rich but still looks like a Yeti, he's loving the sun! And why shouldn't he? Life is good when you're famous and loaded, isn't it?
This is totally the new "Leonardo DiCaprio walking" meme, by the way. Can't wait to see all the things he's Photoshopped into.
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I'm so torn on Zoe Saldana, you guys. I feel like I really should like her - she's talented, she's beautiful, she's confident and intelligent... but she's so fucking obnoxious, too. I feel like every single interview I read/see with her, she's going on and on about how much confidence she has, and how strong she is, and how she's got it so figured out and is the pinnacle of feminism and strength. And look, confidence is great - more women should feel good about themselves and strong, competent, ...
Freddie Prinze Jr (haven't heard that name in a while!) appeared on 24 back in 2010, and while the hit show starring Kiefer Sutherland had its share of fans, Freddie was not one of them. In fact, his experience of working with Kiefer was so awful, he wanted to quit acting for good after wrapping, as he revealed at Comic-Con this past weekend.
From ABC News:
"I did 24, it was terrible, I hated every moment of it. Kiefer was the most unprofessional dude in the world. That's not me talking trash,...
If there's one person I never, ever want to hear the news filtered through, it's Sarah Palin. The woman exists on her own plane of non-reality and is so supremely ignorant on so many topics that I can't begin to list them all. That's why it makes perfect sense for her to start her own TV news channel, I suppose, aptly called the Sarah Palin Channel.
From Digital Spy:
The former Republican vice presidential candidate has set up the subscription-based website to speak "directly" to the public, without having to "please the powers that be"...
Hilary Duff has taken a bit of a hiatus from the spotlight over the past several years to get married, have a baby, start raising that baby, etc. But either the money's run out or she's just getting a bit bored (or both), because she's back with a brand new single called 'Chasing the Sun', which will appear on her new album later this year. Goody goody gumdrops!
'Chasing the Sun' is pop cheese at its finest, and I found myself absent-mindedly tapping my foot to it even though it's awful an...