Jessica Simpson worked really hard to get her body in shape, and she's going to show it off at every possible opportunity. She turned up to sister Ashlee's bachelorette party over the weekend in a swimsuit which nearly could not contain her bountiful bosom and basically killed the leg game 100%. Talk about muscle! Homegirl is FIT.
I think Jessica looks fantastic, and you know what they say - smoke 'em if you got 'em. Why shouldn't she show off her fit physique? She worked hard for her body, so it...
I wouldn't even call this a trailer or even a teaser, but it's 9 seconds of your life you can spend getting a mini sneak peek at the upcoming AMC series Better Call Saul, which we all know as the Breaking Bad spinoff of our dreams. We've all been desperate for some more Saul Goodman goodness since Breaking Bad ended, and now we know the official premiere date for the follow-up series: February 2015. I actually thought it was going to be on starting in November, but I must have read that wrong.
Check out ...
Can someone please stop Miley Cyrus from adopting/buying/whatever-she's-doing-to-get-them new animals? Seriously, this is getting a little ridiculous. She's now moved on from getting dog after dog and is the proud owner of a new piglet named Bubba Sue. Yeah, this is going to end well. Poor animal.
Miley began posting selfies with Bubba Sue over the weekend, and I have to admit, the pig is ADORABLE. Of course, she won't keep it for too long - it'll either end up dead like several of her dogs my...
Really sad news to report today and there's no easy way to say it: Robin Williams has passed away at the age of 63 from an apparent suicide. The actor was found unresponsive in his California home and 911 was called. When paramedics arrived, he was pronounced dead on the scene. At the moment, it seems asphyxia was the cause of death. How awful.
The Marin County Sheriff's Office plans to investigate further and will perform an autopsy as well as toxicology tests starting today.
From The H...
Jessica Alba seems... sometimes not all that smart. I don't know why I get that impression, I just do - probably largely because she says shit like what she came up with in a new interview with Marie Claire UK. You see, Jessica was "pretty pissed off" about turning 30 and really struggled with it because she thought she couldn't "party like a rockstar" anymore or something? I don't know, it doesn't make sense to me either.
“I was pretty pissed off. I don’t know why it was so hard, it just ...
Why am I not surprised that Ashton Kutcher's website, A+, has been accused of plagiarising ENTIRE pieces of content from other sites like The Huffington Post and Buzzfeed? A+ was created as a positive space for viral content, but it seems they're just yanking everyone else's and claiming it as their own. Oops?
From The Wrap:
Internet news site The Daily Dot has been investigating A+ and found that it has lifted entire stories, listicles and videos with very minor changes in the content an...
I said it the other day and I'll say it again: can Michael Jackson not just rest in peace? In addition to the seemingly endless allegations of sexual molestation popping up against him, now his former maids are hard up for cash and selling their "stories" about Michael's alleged filth and lack of hygiene to the New York Post, of all God-forsaken papers.
According to the former maids, Michael used to piss on the floor, track animal shit in the house and was basically just a disgusting human being.
Neverland’s manicured lawns and fairy-tale facade m...
Taylor Swift does a really great job in 'The Giver' [I'm Not Obsessed]
Nikki Reed goes for a run and puts on a good show [Celebslam]
Let's not forget how sexy Charlie Hunnam really is [Lainey Gossip]
Amy Willerton got topless on a yacht [Taxi Driver Movie - NSFW]
What do we think of sex in the shower? Yes or no? [Romance Beat]
Jeremy Renner had the best Twitter pic last week [Socialite Life]
January Jones is doing lingerie shoots now [Drunken Stepfather - NSFW]
Ariana Grande and Bella Thorne looked amazing at the Teen Choice Awards [...
Well, I can't particularly say I'm surprised that Miley Cyrus would post a photo of herself, pants down and squatting to take a shit in a pile of leaves, on her Instagram page. Do we really expect more from Miley? Are we actually shocked? Not particularly. There are certain things we just don't need - or want - to see, but Miley seems obsessed with showing us anyway.
I'm not sure what purpose posting a photo of yourself copping a squat actually serves, but then I'd have to ask that about ...
Last night was the awards show that no one cares about, the Teen Choice Awards. It's crazy because half the winners are people, shows or songs I've never even heard of or had no idea kids liked, but life is funny that way, I suppose. The full list of winners is behind the cut, but a few spoilers for you: people REALLY love Shailene Woodley, it seems, as well as everything having to do with The Hunger Games. Also, people seem to love Iggy Azalea and I'm not sure why.
Rihanna has been keeping a semi- low profile lately, partying and chilling and doing whatever it is Rihanna does, but it's about time for her to get back in the limelight. To celebrate such an occasion, she's on the cover of W Magazine in a very 'Disturbia' era-esque shoot that I'm really loving. Of course, we could talk about the potential cultural appropriation here with the wolves and the warpaint and all, but from an artistic standpoint, I really like this.
Check out some more photos f...
Taylor Swift is returning to The Late Show starring Jimmy Fallon soon, and for the occasion, she's taking part in one of his infamous "Ew!" sketches. I won't give too much info on this one - let's just watch and enjoy (?) together, shall we?
Taylor will be on the show on Wednesday night, so if this is your sorta thing, makes sure you turn in.
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