Kanye West really doesn't get why you're mad that he told someone in a wheelchair to stand up during his concert. Just because he wouldn't take the fan's word for it and felt the need to send his security into the audience to make sure the guy was legit handicapped and not just making it up for fun (???) and complained about the time it was taking to verify this so that he could move on with his setlist doesn't mean he's a terrible person, right? I mean... right? At the end of the day, it's Kanye ...
For better or worse, Ben Affleck is our new Batman. It's a very bizarre casting choice that I don't think any of us will ever fully understand, so I think the best we can do is bite our tongues and move on. Besides, maybe we're giving Ben too hard of a time. After all, he and Batman are a lot alike - they've got that whole smoldering anger thing in common!
From The Sunday Times:
"For me, anger is so deeply buried and contained," Affleck, 42, told the paper, "that when it does kind of ...
Robin Thicke is one of the biggest losers out there. He treats women like shit, he pathetically stalked his soon-to-be ex-wife when she finally left him, he's full of himself, he constantly lies about his accomplishments... you get the gist.
We're here to talk about that last part, today. You see, the estate of Marvin Gaye is suing Robin and Pharrell, who produced the track, for ripping off Marvin's 1977 hit, 'Got to Give It Up'. In fact, some reports even say that Robin specifically asked Pharrell to...
So, I'm guessing Jerry Hall isn't a fan of plastic surgery? [Celebitchy]
Tyson Beckford has been taking a lot of shirtless selfies [Socialite Life]
Eva Longoria looks rather impressive in a bikini [Popoholic]
Who's that gorgeous blonde heading up LFW? It's Kimberley Garner! [Moe Jackson]
Rita Ora is a...um... teen cunt... or something? [Celebslam]
We're still taking the time to look up Ariana Grande's skirt [Taxi Driver Movie - NSFW]
HBO doesn't want us to see hot lesbian sex! [The Blemish]
Scout and Tallulah Willis took topless pics together for some reason [Drunken Stepfathe...
Lady Gaga decided to take her tour of terror (and Tony Bennett) over to Dubai and Tel Aviv lately, and while there, she dressed in traditional garb that's completely wrong for the country she's in (and also that she has no business wearing anyway, according to some people). First she wore Korean clothes in Japan, and now she's wearing what appear to me to be Indian clothes in the UAE. Does it ever end with this woman?
I get that this is Gaga's whole schtick, to dress up like she's part of ...
You know how Britney Spears was all pumped about being single and was excited to get back into the dating game after kicking David Lucado to the curb? Well, it seems like that may have been a front because according to some "sources" (which, I'm sure, are totally reliable), she's struggling with being on her own.
From OK! Magazine (via Contact Music):
An insider told America's OK! magazine: ''Britney's been on an emotional roller coaster."
''Britney was sure she'd found someone she and h...
If there's one thing we all need to learn in life, it's this: do not fuck with Martha Stewart. She is not here for anyone's bullshit. Also, she is not here for your copycat "lifestyle guru" nonsense because she did it first and she does it best, so sit down and stay in your lane. She had to put Blake Lively in her place and now she's doing it to Gwyneth Paltrow, which is pretty much the best thing EVER (because who among us doesn't dream of telling Gwyneth Paltrow off?).
From Page Six:
“She just...
I don't know who in their right mind (which is, perhaps, the point) would go to a Beyonce concert just to hold up a sign that says she can't sing, but I guess to each his own. That's what some weirdo did nearly a year ago, and we're only now seeing the video of how the incident unfolded now.
I won't ruin it for you - just sit back and enjoy:
Well, that's him told. Look, if you really don't like someone/something, how about just, you know, getting a life and shutting up about it? NO...
Yes, that's a purposely misleading headline. Robert Pattinson wasn't even in Las Vegas last year most likely, but a cardboard cutout of him was, and one hardcore Twilight fan decided she was so in love with it that she'd marry it, and that's exactly what she did. Laura Adkins is 25 and batshit crazy, but she doesn't seem to think so. Her marriage is made in heaven and she couldn't be happier.
From The Mirror:
She says: “We got hitched in Las Vegas last year and I’m sure we’re happi...
Oh, Kanye West. So sweet, so innocent... so very, very stupid and inappropriate. During a concert in Melbourne on Friday night, Kanye really wanted the audience to enjoy themselves, so he insisted they stand up and threatened to not go on with the concert until every single person had done so. He's not totally unreasonable, of course - you were exempt from this if "you got a handicap pass and get special parking and shit". What a gentleman!
Apparently Kanye needed one audience member to wa...
Jay-Z and Beyoncé have taken their On The Run tour overseas and while performing in France on Friday night, Jay-Z maybe sorta told everyone that Bey is knocked up again for real by changing the lyrics in his song "Beach Is Better" from “I replace it with another one” to “pregnant with another one”.
People are, of course, losing their shit, and no official announcement has been made (nor have their reps responded to the 8,000,000 requests for comment I'm sure they've had since). Of...
In today's "Oh, fuck off!" news, Chris Brown was asked by MTV's Sway if he had any advice for disgraced NFL player Ray Rice. Makes sense, I suppose, since they're both violent assholes who abuse women. Perfectly understandable! Here's what Breezy had to say about his experiencing hitting women he says he loves:
“I think it’s all about the choices you make,” said Breezy. “With me, I deal with a lot of anger issues from my past— not knowing how to express myself verbally and at the same time not knowing how to cope with my emoti...