Sofia Vergara is a very attractive lady, and I think pretty much anyone on the planet with eyes would agree with that, even if she's not your personal cup of tea. It seems Sofia realizes it as well and she doesn't suffer from a lack of self-confidence like many women seem to do.
"I was always very happy with what I have. I mean, like any woman I'd complain that my thighs were too big or whatever, but I felt comfortable with my curves –- people expected me to have them," she tells Shape. "Then ...
Mariah Carey has only been separated from Nick Cannon for a few months now (that we know of), but she's already ready to move on - makes sense, especially if her hints about his cheating ways are at all true. So how will she find her next partner/short-term fling? Well, she's hoping Nas will help her!
From US Weekly:
The pop diva "texted Nas, wondering if he had any friends she could go out with — or even just hook up with," the insider says. "But Nas is nervous to introduce her to anyone...
Idris Elba is working hard to train for his next film, Bastille Day (which seems sorta hilarious since Bastille Day is like, not a major holiday around these parts), and he's gotta get in peak physical condition for the occasion.
Of course, he loves to treat his fans, so he posted a video on Instagram of himself all sweaty and shirtless, just for you.
Loading View on Instagram@-webkit-keyframes"dkaXkpbBxI"{ 0%{opacity:0.5;} 50%{opacity:1;} 100%{opacity:0.5;} } @keyframes"dkaXkpbBxI"{ 0%{...
Gwyneth Paltrow is basically THE WORST and we all know it - like, literally all of us, including Martha Stewart. In fact, Martha recently laid down some home truths to Gwyn, saying that homegirl needs to stick to acting and stop trying to be some lifestyle/homemaking guru like Martha herself. Gwyneth's response? The methinks-she-doth-protest-too-much "I don't really care, I'm just being me" rant, which includes a healthy dose of, "She's just insecure!" bullshit.
Here's what she had to say at Fortune...
Amanda Bynes has been living it up in New York City, it seems - wearing band-aids on her face, announcing fake engagements, clawing fans on the arm and now shoplifting... twice in a day!
From TMZ:
According to our sources, employees at Pookie & Sebastian began following Bynes around the store because she was acting suspicious. We're told they didn't recognize it was Amanda, and just thought she was a "half-naked, homeless crackhead."
Customers tell us Bynes was dancing and muttering about pl...
Praise the Lord, y'all - it's truly a day for even the non-religious among us to be thankful to a higher power, because Paula Patton has FINALLY filed for divorce from scumbag husband Robin Thicke. They've been separated since February, but Paula decided to stew and let Robin humiliate himself for a few months before finally filing the paperwork earlier this month.
From People:
There are no blurred lines about it: Paula Patton has officially filed for divorce from her husband Robin Thicke...
Adele is RICH. Like really, really rich, thanks to the success of her last album, 21. Which, by the way, is four years old at this point (can you believe it?!). However, despite the fact that she hasn't toured or done much of of anything at all in the past couple of years, professionally speaking, she still makes a whopping £80,000 PER DAY. That's the equivalent of about $128k, by the way.
From HeatWorld:
The record earned her £54million the 22 months up until December 2013 through her com...
Chelsea Handler is going to be doing an interview with Dave Grohl on Sirius XM on Monday, and she really, really wants people to listen. Like, so much so that she'll show you her entire left breast if that'll make a difference at all. Chelsea posted the photo, in which she appears sitting on a motorbike next to three friends, on Twitter. I'll throw it below the cut for those of you at work.
So uh, tune in to Chelsea's Town Hall on Monday?
Jessica Chastain is undoubtedly a beautiful woman, but it seems her peers didn't always think so. Like many kids, she was bullied a lot for her appearance and was apparently called ugly every day, as she revealed in a new interview with Glamour.
"[As a child] I was told every day at school that I was ugly. And that no one wanted to be my friend. The most cruel things. If I can do anything to help young girls and to be a cheerleader for people who sometimes have low self-esteem, I want to do ...
Amanda Bynes is currently off her meds and haunting New York City with her bizarre behaviour, and it seems things took an even stranger (and violent) turn on Monday night at an event held at the Gilded Lily nightclub in Chelsea, where she apparently went crazy on a fan who got too close.
From TMZ:
Multiple sources tell TMZ ... Amanda showed up by herself to an event at the Gilded Lily nightclub Monday night in Chelsea. We're told she was dancing alone, wearing sunglasses and keeping to ...
Misha Collins and William Shatner are actually funny together [Socialite Life]
It seems wrong to see Mark Wahlberg and Amanda Seyfried kissing [Lainey Gossip]
Lea Michele brings you her ass in tight pants [Popoholic]
Kimberley Garner is looking very tan, very lacy [Moe Jackson]
Is that really Charlie XCX braless in a see-through top? Okay! [Taxi Driver Movie - NSFW]
Amanda Bynes says she's engaged but no one knows to whom [Celebslam]
Helen Flanagan is still happy to get naked for...
It seems as though Kylie Jenner has left her dreams of becoming the next Katy Perry behind and has instead ventured into a world in which she's much more comfortable: hair extensions. She'll be releasing her own line of extensions with the clip-in extension brand Bellami Hair.
She announced the news via her Instagram page, saying:
“Kylie Hair Kouture coming soon….sooo excited follow @bellamihair for more details!”
Ugh, Kylie Hair Kouture? Give over with the K names already - it's so tacky....