Joe Francis is kind enough to voice his opinion on the sexual strengths and weaknesses of young Hollywood, with Paris Hilton in a commanding lead. He also manages to plug ParisExposed about ten times, which is quite the favor for a website he claims to despise. Turn the other cheek, eh, Joe? [TMZ] Denise Richards: what's not to hate? [Celebrity Smack] Reese and Ryan suck it up and attend their daughter's school play together. I'm so Team Reese on this one. [A Socialite's Life] Congratulations, DJ AM. You've earned yourself another fifteen minutes of fame. And, yes, Mandy, Zach's pissed. Everybody wins! [Just Jared] Kate at Fishbowl has the 411 on Top Design behind the scenes. [FishbowlLA] “The first time I get into a car accident and I see a blind guy get out of the other car — I’m kicking somebody’s ass." [Pajiba] For what it's worth, National Enquirer is reporting that Nick & Vanessa are engaged. [The Bosh]