Cameron Diaz: "We all suffer when Paris suffers." Heh. [Cele|bitchy] The celebrities you'd most like to bang. And not with a hammer. [Pajiba] Brooke Burke is still hot. [Derek Hail] Carmen Electra wrote a book called How to Be Sexy. Now if only someone could lend her a copy of How to Stay Married she'd be all set. [Jordan] Um, Victoria, why were you shopping at Abercrombie & Fitch anyway? [Celebrity Smack] It's not enough for Dina Lohan to live vicariously through her daughter's fame; now she's using it to land herself on TV. [The Blemish] K-Fed calls Britney's new man "trash." [Celebslam] Jodi Sweetin is back on the smack. Time for a serious father-daughter talk. [popbytes] Akon is sorry for that whole "simulated rape" thing. [DListed] Kate Moss in a see-through dress. [Drunken Stepfather] Nick Lachey throws down. [POTP]"After reading the media's coverage of my court hearing, I feel the need to correct what I believe are misperceptions about me. I absolutely realize how serious driving under the influence is. I could not live with myself if anyone was injured or killed while I was driving while impaired. Clearly, no one should -- no matter how slightly.
I am ready to face the consequences of violating probation.
No one is above the law. I surely am not. I do not expect to be treated better than anyone else who violated probation. However, my hope is that I will not be treated worse."
Um, Par-Par, are you saying you're ready to go to jail? I call bullshit.
Also, can we look at the last several sentences of that first paragraph?
I absolutely realize how serious driving under the influence is. I could not live with myself if anyone was injured or killed while I was driving while impaired. Clearly, no one should -- no matter how slightly.
If your new lawyer wrote this, you might want to go back to the old one. To what, exactly, does "no one should" refer? No one should be able to live with you, Paris? I agree. No one should realize how serious driving under the influence is? Oh, oh, do you mean that no one should be injured or killed while you're driving impaired? Hm. You're fucking this up already, Dick Hutton ...
/>Paris Hilton has just released a statement through her brand spankin' new DUI attorney, Richard Hutton (emphasis mine):
"After reading the media's coverage of my court hearing, I feel the need to correct what I believe are misperceptions about me. I absolutely realize how serious driving under the influence is. I could not live with myself if anyone was injured or killed while I was driving while impaired. Clearly, no one should -- no matter how slightly.
I am ready to face the consequences of ...