MTV and their ad agency BaM have created EmotiClips - a way for friends to communicate using scenes of Lauren, Heidi and the infamous Spencer.
Had a break-up recently? Want to tell your best girlfriend how much she means to you? Is someone just a ‘sucky person’ and you’ve got to get the point across? Well turn to MTV’s The Hills Emoticlips to do so. As the 2nd Season DVD of MTV’s hit show lands on shelves tomorrow (Tuesday, August 6th), make sure to send your true feelings (whatever they may be) as the star – Lauren, the party girl Audrina, the professional – Whitney, or the ever scandalous – Heidi. You’re point will definitely be made! So if you can’t live like the “Hill-arious†Ladies at least let your friends know what they mean to you in true SoCal style.
There's a bunch more of the "EmotiClips" after the jump.
So some PR firm plugging The Hills Season 2 DVD sent me a bunch of these today, and I have to say, I think they're pretty fabulous. Here's the info from the [sic]-tastic email I got:
MTV and their ad agency BaM have created EmotiClips - a way for friends to communicate using scenes of Lauren, Heidi and the infamous Spencer.
Had a break-up recently? Want to tell your best girlfriend how much she means to you? Is someone just a ‘sucky person’ and you’ve got to get the poin...
WHICH very eligible divorced man has his friends in a quandary now that he's engaged to get married again? The friends are afraid to tell him his fiancée is a gold digger who's still seeing her broke boyfriend on the side while waiting for her wedding day.