"First and foremost, I am a gentleman. I have never been inebriated in front of [the children] or said anything about a man I know nothing about. I did decide to learn about Michael Lohan and did a quick background check. The following is public record, fact and irrefutable: On 10/13/84, you struck, choked and kicked Susan L. Hubbard of Ohio, causing fractured facial bones.
In [New York], there are 10 arrest records found for securities fraud, DWI, assault, grand larceny . . . Dina has never been arrested or charged with anything.
Upon getting out of jail, you hire a publicist and start a smear campaign against your children's mom. You take a photo of her holding a water bottle at your daughter's premiere, and you call her a party mom. You . . . accuse her of being an alcoholic, a drug user, an unfit mom and a philanderer.
You do it in a very public way and force them to deal with the fallout. If you want to assassinate someone's character, leave Dina alone. She is way out of your league. She is a classy, intelligent, loving mom . . ."
You people are the very definition of class. I can't understand at all why Lindsay is the way she is. />What is it with these people? Can we just put them all on Jerry Springer and be done with it? (Are they even still filming Jerry Springer? God I hope so.)
The latest in a long line of Lohans to air their dirty laundry to the media is Dina Lohan's boyfriend, Jim McMillan, who penned a scathing missive that ended up in the hands of Page Six. McMillan was responding to the allegations Michael Lohan made about Dina, accusing her of being a drug and alcohol abuser, and about Jim, claiming he was not...