Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney to Lose Custody of Her Kids????

britney_ciggy1.jpg From FOX News: Britney Spears will temporarily lose custody of her two toddler sons to ex-husband Kevin Federline, sources told ahead of the official ruling expected later Monday. Commissioner Scott Gordon will order the boys, 2-year-old Sean Preston and 1-year-old Jayden James, turned over to Federline based on information that Los Angeles Family Court received over the weekend about Spears, the sources told During Monday's custody hearing, Spears' former bo...

We’re Back

Sorry for no posts today. I was flying from LA to NYC. It sucks, you lose a whole day. But I'm back now, and there will be no more traveling for another couple of weeks. />...

Is This the Emmys or the VMAs?

We have plenty of very qualified television writers around the blogosphere, and I'll leave the analysis of the Emmy ins and outs to them. Instead, I'd like to focus on a topic I hold dear to my heart: cussing.

On three separate occasions, the Emmy censors had to earn their paycheck by bleeping words out of the live broadcast. The first instance was Ray Romano, who joked about his former on-screen wife, Patricia Heaton, "f*&%ing" her new co-star, Kelsey Grammar. Emmy censors just cut away from the shot for awhile.

Sally Field noted that "if the mothers ruled the war, there would be no goddamn wars in the first place." You can say "damn," I think, but you can't bring God into it; she got bleeped.

And Katherine Heigl, ever a class act, greeted her Supporting Actress Emmy by mouthing the word "shit." She, too, got censored.

In happier news, there were no wardrobe malfunctions, and no washed-up rock stars beating each other up over a washed-up pin-up girl. So I guess we don't have to start airing the Emmys on MTV yet. I mean, Fox is bad enough.

/>We have plenty of very qualified television writers around the blogosphere, and I'll leave the analysis of the Emmy ins and outs to them. Instead, I'd like to focus on a topic I hold dear to my heart: cussing. On three separate occasions, the Emmy censors had to earn their paycheck by bleeping words out of the live broadcast. The first instance was Ray Romano, who joked about his former on-screen wife, Patricia Heaton, "f*&%ing" her new co-star, Kelsey Grammar. Emmy censors just cut away from...

The Juice is NOT Motherfucking Loose

OJ Simpson Arrested and Held in Jail without Bail OJ SIMPSON IS IN JAIL!!! OJ SIMPSON IS IN JAIL!!! OJ SIMPSON IS IN JAIL!!! OJ SIMPSON IS IN JAIL!!! OJ SIMPSON IS IN JAIL!!! OJ SIMPSON IS IN JAIL!!! OJ SIMPSON IS IN JAIL!!! Okay, sorry to go all Perez Hilton on you guys, but OJ SIMPSON IS IN MOTHERFUCKING JAIL!!! After his arrest on Sunday night, a judge ordered him to be held without bail. When do we get to see the mug shot????? Simpson was at the Clark County Detention Center on Sunday night for booking on two counts of ro...

Oh Fuck Yes: OJ Simpson Got His Ass Arrested

This motherfucker got away with a double homicide, and now they're gonna put him in jail for this shit.
Las Vegas police arrested O.J. Simpson on Sunday amid an investigation into an alleged armed robbery at a hotel in Las Vegas, The charges he faces are unclear. Simpson was arrested at his room in the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, the source said.
Loves. It. />...

Holy Crap It’s the Mowry Sisters

mowrys.jpg They got invited to an Emmy lounge. What are they even doing these days? I feel like each of them should have like 4 kids by now. Have they done anything since Sister Sister? And wasn't that like 25 years ago? Weird. See, this is how the Olsen twins would have turned out if they weren't anorexic and drug-addicted: irrelevant. So the next time you try to tell Mary-Kate to eat something, you remember this. You remember what became of those healthy, well-adjusted Mowry girls....

Oh, Sweet Jesus, Please Let Britney Spears Do the Emmys

britney_penis.jpg There's been some buzz today that Britney might be making an appearance on the Emmy broadcast, perhaps to perform, or apologize for the VMAs, or both. Emmy producers have stated that “We cannot confirm nor deny this rumor.” Personally I think this is the stupidest idea ever. What the fuck is she gonna do? Get up there and apologize for sucking? I mean, it's not like she lynched black people on stage. Seriously, if we're all now apologizing for bad live performances, I think we could fill up...

A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Total Ho

jessica.jpg Jessica Simpson might be returning to a market with less competition her Texas roots, according to her father. She's apparently considering recording a country album. "Everything in our business is about beats and I think she really wants to sing and country music still believes in that. I think country is the only pure, storytelling kind of genre left," says Papa Joe. He makes no mention of Ashlee Simpson embracing this pure, storytelling genre, because, you know, Ashlee don't sing that w...

Links Links Links

I know I should be talking shit about Paris Hilton's new haircut, but, fuck it, I'll be honest: I think she looks really pretty. Also: there are nipples in this picture. [Ninja Dude]

Christina Aguilera sports them pregnancy titties. [Derek Hail]

Think it would be awesome to come live in LA, where they film movies all the time everywhere? Yeah, right. Popbytes weighs in on how much fun it is to have Hancock filming right outside his work. [popbytes]

Prince is -- you guessed it -- a crazy, pretentious motherfucker who's now attempting to sue the majority of the Internet. [Cele|bitchy]

Um, I'm not sure how well sobriety's been working out for Courtney Love lately. [Yeeeah!]

Nicky Hilton wears short shorts. [Drunken Stepfather]

All the tabloids want to talk about this week is Brad and Angie. That's why you read blogs. We're more comprehensive. [Celebrity Smack]

Shakira can get into UCLA, and she didn't even learn how to speak English until like 5 years ago. Doesn't that make you feel dumb? [POTP]

/>I know I should be talking shit about Paris Hilton's new haircut, but, fuck it, I'll be honest: I think she looks really pretty. Also: there are nipples in this picture. [Ninja Dude] Christina Aguilera sports them pregnancy titties. [Derek Hail] Think it would be awesome to come live in LA, where they film movies all the time everywhere? Yeah, right. Popbytes weighs in on how much fun it is to have Hancock filming right outside his work. [popbytes] Prince is -- you guessed it -- a crazy...