Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Um, Apparently Britney Spears Doesn’t Even Sell Magazines Anymore

Jennifer Aniston Forbes Top Selling Famous Face Neither do Lindsay Lohan or Jessica Simpson, according to Forbes magazine, who announced that none other than Jennifer Aniston was the top-selling famous face over a six-month period ending June 30. Next up? Brad Pitt, followed by Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie, Reese Witherspoon, Katie Holmes, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Hudson, Valerie Bertinelli and Kelly Ripa. I think I speak for all of us when I say: WHO THE HELL IS VALERIE BERTINELLI? To explain Britney's absence on the list, In Touch Weekly's editor says: "U...

Is Top Chef’s Casey a Proxy for Hillary Clinton?

casey.jpg From NY Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni, regarding tonight's finale of Top Chef: [T]his contest seem[s] like a timely echo of, or overture to, the precedent-courting presidential race: Will there be a first woman Top Chef or a first nonwhite Top Chef or maybe even a first openly gay Top Chef? It's possible that's pushing it a little too far. It's just a show on Bravo, guys. Who do you guys want to win? I'm pretty much Team Casey, but, in lieu of that, I'll settle for a spot on...

Is Britney Going Back to Rehab?

brit_allie.jpg I feel it's my duty to report this rumor, although IMHO, it's total bullshit. OK! is saying that Britney might return to the Eric Clapton Crossroads rehab in Antigua, where she spent nearly 24 hours at the beginning of this year, to try to get sober and get her kids back. Yeah, right. Even her BFF Alli Sims has gone on the record all like, "Not gonna happen." Britney couldn't even show up at the court hearing today to try to get her kids back. Homegirl is not checking into reh...

Kevin’s Keeping Custody!

Kevin Federline is Keeping Custody of Britney Spears Kids After a 3-hour court hearing, an L.A. judge determined that K-Fed will keep sole custody of Jayden and Sean, and Britney will be allowed monitored visits. Kevin showed up to the hearing. Britney did not, although photos indicate she was in Los Angeles at the time. In fact, she was posing for the paparazzi in the Valley while the hearing was taking place. There will be another hearing on Oct 26 to determine if the custody arrangement should be changed. (It probably shouldn't.)...

Rosie’s Memoirs Pretty Much as Weird as You Expected They’d Be

rosie_memoir.jpg From USA Today: Reading Celebrity Detox is like having a patient on the couch without the necessary medical degree to sort through what's insightful and what's just nutty. This is a train wreck of a book — part self-help psychobabble, part searing memoir — by a grown woman who lost her mother as a child ... Too-much-information is not a concept O'Donnell embraces. You will learn how fame affected her bowel habits, that she "inseminated" her partner, Kelli, and that her son ...

Quality Time with Daddy

michael_lindsay.jpg Lindsay Lohan headed out for her first overnight visit away from rehab this week, accompanied by fellow recovering alcohol and father Michael Lohan. The two of them will be gone for five days. Daddy's rented a four-bedroom cabin in the Utah woods, and plans to spend the days going on lots of walks with his daughter and having nice, long talks about her future. At night, they plan to use Lindsay's kick-ass connections to score some killer blow and get way fucking high. ...

Kid Rock Knows a Miscarriage When He Sees One

Kid Rock Claims Pamela Anderson Lied About Miscarriage To Rolling Stone, re: Pam Anderson's supposed miscarriage: "She's in Vancouver shooting a movie and I have Lakers seats on the floor, and I'm gonna go to the Lakers (basketball) game with my friend Jesse James. I'm like, `Baby, I got these tickets. I'll see you on the weekend there,' and that leads into her saying, `You don't care about me, blah blah blah.' She finally comes up with this: `I just had a miscarriage' ... and hangs the phone up." Rock, claiming he was unaware that Anderson...

Can You Think of Anyone You’d Rather Have Host American Gladiators Than Hulk Hogan?

Hulk Hogan to Host American Gladiators If you, unlike me, read the trade journals, you'd be aware that NBC is resurrecting American Gladiators as a mid-season replacement. (I don't read the trade journals. I do something smarter: I read Defamer. It's like reading the trades without all the boring parts about people who aren't young and beautiful.) Anyway, it looks like they've signed Hulk Hogan on as the host. I think America needs this. I know it's going to be hard at first, you guys, because we're not used to watching tel...