David Copperfield's being investigated for raping a woman in the Bahamas. Too bad he didn't think to make her disappear once he was done. (I know, I know. Easy joke. Sorry. Rape is not funny. But David Copperfield rape? A little funny, guys. Admit it.) [Celebslam] T.I.'s not getting out of jail just yet. [Bossip] Hilary Duff shakes her ass. [The Blemish] Check out the Eva Mendes sex scene from We Own the Night. [Ninja Dude] Ah, the Lindsay Lohan side-boob. How we missed thee. [Drunken Stepfather ] Scarlett Johansson is a good person. [Derek Hail] Shar Jackson may not have won Kevin Federline, but she did win Celebrity Rap Superstar. [Cele|bitchy]