The Governator says weed is "not a drug. It's a leaf." I love Arnie. [DListed] Check out a cool remix of Britney Spears' "Piece of Me." I love that the album hasn't been formally released yet and we're already making remixes. [popbytes] Get the Lauren Conrad look for less! [INO] Liz Hurley still looks good in a bikini. [Celebslam] JALEEL WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Bossip] Teri Hatcher is an evil witch. [Drunken Stepfather] Missy Elliott is a good friend. [POTP] Can anyone figure out what exactly Avril Lavigne is trying to be for Halloween? [Derek Hail]Which internationally famous, feel-good spiritual guru feels so good because he takes massive amounts of antidepressants?