I know this is random, but I saw "No Country for Old Men" with some friends tonight (weird movie, weird ending, but the psychopath was way cool) and on the way home we started talking about the word "chode." I have always heard it used as like the equivalent of a "taint" ('taint ass, 'taint pussy), like the space in between an ass and balls/vagina. But apparently it is also used to describe a penis whose width is greater than its length (seriously? those exist? I thought I'd seen it all...).
So anyway.
I'm putting it to a vote, since Dictionary.com is of no help. Select your answer, add an answer, or leave something in the comments.
Also, 100 points to whoever can tell me where the hell that word came from.
/>I know this is random, but I saw "No Country for Old Men" with some friends tonight (weird movie, weird ending, but the psychopath was way cool) and on the way home we started talking about the word "chode." I have always heard it used as like the equivalent of a "taint" ('taint ass, 'taint pussy), like the space in between an ass and balls/vagina. But apparently it is also used to describe a penis whose width is greater than its length (seriously? those exist? I thought I'd seen it all...).