Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Party at Les Deux!!!

Me and Dr. Alter from Dr. 90210 What a fun night!!! Thanks to Jhoanne and the folks at LA Direct Mag for the invite to their event at Les Deux tonight. My friend Derek and I got there super-early and got a spot on the red carpet. (How great is it that people give bloggers a spot on the red carpet these days? I love it.) Per usual, most of the celebs who walked the carpet were people I'd never heard of, but we did spot Bai Ling, Rex Lee from Entourage, and Hef with Holly and Bridget (why no Kendra? Her name was on the t...

Pam Anderson Says She’s Not Doing a Reality TV Show After All

pamela_red1.jpg From her website: 12/13/2007 No reality show! I WAS considering..... Only to promote and have people see what it's like to create a show and be on stage starring in a big Vegas production.-(probably not happening anymore) not my family life. (Never my kids) I have to make a lot of big decisions. The choices I have to make now are about quality of life. And meaning. Not about money or fame for no good reason. I know I've made a lot of mistakes. But no regrets- Just living such a huge ...

Piece of Me Video: Sneak Preview

The whole thing will debut on 20/20 tonight. It's that relevant. This looks a lot better than the "Gimme More" video, but still not great. I'll reserve judgment until I see the whole thing, though. /> The whole thing will debut on 20/20 tonight. It's that relevant. This looks a lot better than the "Gimme More" video, but still not great. I'll reserve judgment until I see the whole thing, though. ...

Yup, I’m a Bad Person: We’re Running the Marcia Cross Naked Photos

WE HAVE THE MARCIA CROSS NAKED PICTURES!!! I'd be lying if I told you guys I didn't feel the teensiest bit bad about this. I mean, what has Marcia Cross ever done to me? Oh, right: Seasons 3 through 5 of Desperate Housewives. These are private pictures, supposedly taken by her husband Tom. Listen, people: NEVER LET ANYONE TAKE NAKED PICTURES OF YOU!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!! Anyway, we have her vagina after the jump. It's NSFW. Because it's a vagina. And you're not supposed to be looking at vaginas at work. Unless you ...

Quick! Somebody Get Britney Spears to Florida!

Rapper Plies Manager Arrested on Cocaine Charges Rapper Plies' manager was arrested in Tampa on Tuesday with 80 pounds of cocaine. Eighty pounds!!! That's like a Dakota Fanning of blow. Seriously, cops are saying he was trafficking drugs, but I think he was just planning to have Britney over for a night or two. Now let's talk about this rapper guy. What the fuck kind of name is Plies? I think he needs to change his name to Pliers and use some to take that crap out of his teeth. You look ridiculous, dude. ...

Jessica Simpson’s New Movie is Going Straight to DVD

Jessica Simpson Blonde Ambition Poster Perhaps Blonde Ambition wasn't ambitious enough. Or perhaps Jessica needs to stick to singing. The flick's going straight to DVD. It'll be perfect to rent for a date night. You can have sex with your man while he's thinking about Jessica and you're thinking about Luke Wilson. Because, look, I tried it with Happy Gilmore on the other night and it was just awkward. On the other hand, I've decided I need a "Guns Don't Kill People, I Kill People" t-shirt. I will make out with anyone...