Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Staying Strong!!!

marcia_feed.jpg Marcia Cross has responded to the nude pics of her floating around the 'Net by throwing herself into charity work. This weekend, she read to kids at a charity fundraiser. And on Monday, she and Teri Hatcher stuffed FEED bags, which I guess will somehow help provide food for African children for one year. I assume they are selling the bags and then using the profits to feed the African children, because I really don't think what starving African children need right now are Godiva and CD...

Come Party with Me on New Year’s Eve!!!

rockstar_resolutions.jpg Are you going to be in the Los Angeles area for New Year's Eve? Don't have plans yet?? Come party with me at Republic in Hollywood!!! Republic is putting on an amazing bash with kickass live bands, tons of VIP packages and lots of beautiful options for your midnight kiss!!! No, I'm not available, but thanks for asking. ;) Tickets start at $60 pre-sale for Evil Beet readers!!!! You're not gonna do much better than that in Hollywood. Prices will go WAY UP at the door, so buy '...

Britney Spears’ Poor Choreography Explained!!!

britney_back11.jpg The director of the "Piece of Me" video, Wayne Isham, weighed in on Britney today. "On set," he says, "she was very professional, excited to work and beautiful as always. I was impressed with her focus as she choreographed the dance herself. Her endurance was remarkable, as we had a long day. She almost outlasted me, which is amazing! It was a pleasure to work with her again." (If you haven't seen the video, it's here.) So now we know why the dancing sucked. And, yeah, I'm sure sh...