Today's Evil Beet Gossip

“My Sister’s Not Pregnant. Whatever.”

I think someone's a little jealous. Cut to 1:45 in this vid for Britney's denial. Either Jamie-Lynn and her mother faked an entire pregnancy on an international stage, or Britney honestly thinks this is some horrible, cruel plot to distract attention away from her. Either way: CRAZY! /> I think someone's a little jealous. Cut to 1:45 in this vid for Britney's denial. Either Jamie-Lynn and her mother faked an entire pregnancy on an international stage, or Britney honestly thinks this is some horrible, cruel plot to distract attention away from her. Either way: CRAZY!...

My Sister’s Pregnant, Ya’ll!!

britney_motherfucking_crazy.jpg What would you do on the day you found out your little sister was pregnant? Would you: a) Kick her ass b) Kick the dude's ass c) Kick your mom's ass d) Grab a coat hanger e) Make Lisa Kline open late for you to go shopping Britney's answer was (e). On the day she found out -- along with the rest of the world -- that her sixteen-year-old sister was knocked up, Britney Spears and her ubiquitous cowboy boots did some late-night shopping at Lisa Kline on Robertson. She then checked...

Everyone’s Pregnant: Congrats to Lily Allen!!!

Lily Allen is Pregnant Unwed mothers are the new black. Lily Allen and her boyfriend, Chemical Brother Ed Simons, 37, are reportedly expecting. Can these people not afford condoms? Forget about having rubbers in the high schools; we need to have condoms in the Nickelodeon green room and under the bleachers at TRL. LISTEN UP, PEOPLE: When he says he's just going to put the tip in, two things are relatively certain: 1) You risk getting pregnant 2) You're going to end up giving him head anyway H...

Yup, Jamie-Lynn’s Pregnant

Jamie Lynn Spears and Boyfriend Casey Aldridge are Pregnant, Pictures, Photos It's confirmed. Jamie-Lynn Spears, 16, sister of Britney Spears, is motherfucking pregnant. The baby daddy is her live-in boyfriend, Casey Aldridge, age 19. This oughtta be fun. And what does Nickelodeon think of this? They're shitting their damn pants. But what they're saying on the record? “We respect Jamie Lynn’s decision to take responsibility in this sensitive and personal situation. We know this is a very difficult time for her and her family, and ou...

WTF? Jamie-Lynn Spears is PREGNANT?!?!

jamie_lynn1.jpg At least, according to OK! magazine she is. Their new cover announces that Jamie-Lynn and her mom are going on the record about the 16-year-old's pregnancy. OMG! Was she tired of her sister getting all the attention for being crazy??? What is wrong with this family? They need to start putting birth control and Lexapro in the water in their household. This is INSANITY! We'll have more details as they come. ...

Brad Pitt Is Talking

So it must be relevant. I'd tell you what this video is about, but I honestly don't care enough about Brangelina anymore to even watch it. So, whatever, I suck at my job. But you guys are reading this at work right now, so you're not exactly rock stars at yours, either. /> So it must be relevant. I'd tell you what this video is about, but I honestly don't care enough about Brangelina anymore to even watch it. So, whatever, I suck at my job. But you guys are reading this at work right now, so you're not exactly rock stars at yours, either. ...