Today's Evil Beet Gossip

ANOTHER Gossip Girl Real-Life Romance

blake_penn.jpg Either these kids are the ultimate example of life imitating art, or the publicists over at Gossip Girl are working overtime. On the heels of multiple reports that Leighton Meester is dating Chace Crawford, we get this: Word on the street is that Blake Lively is dating her on-screen love, Penn Badgley, in real life. "No one is really supposed to know that," laughs an insider. "I was told by a friend of the family." This story's a bit circumspect, firstly because everyone knows that B...

Tony Romo Pulls Out a Win Despite Having Jess in the Stands Again

tony_romo.jpg Although she managed to avoid being photographed this time, Jessica Simpson was in the stands when the Dallas Cowboys played football against another team on Saturday. Whereas Tony played football poorly the last time Jessica was in the stands, this time he played it good. I don't know what playing football good entails, but the score was 20-13, and Tony's team had the bigger number, so that means Tony did something right. This is different from in golf, where, if you have the bigger numbe...

I Cannot Hate Nicole Richie with All Those Teddy Bears Nearby

nicole_teddy.jpg Seriously, will this bitch just pop out this kid and go back to snorting coke so she can be interesting again? I know, I know. That's a horrible thing to say. But, okay, can you guys honestly say you're not bored as hell of picture after picture of Nicole at some dumbass charity event? With babies and helping and shit? You know what no one's Googling? "Nicole Richie helping." No one is searching for that. People are searching for "Nicole Richie naked" and "Nicole Richie DUI" and "Nico...

Just What We Need Around Here: Another Hilton Kid in the Gossip Pages

Skye and Caleigh Peters, Pictures, Photos It's official: Paris Hilton has aged the fuck out. You wanna know how I know this? Her kid brother's finally showing up on Page Six. Everyone's ready to move on. Barron Hilton, 16, is dating Skye Peters, also 16, the daughter of "Superman Returns" producer Jon Peters and his ex, Christine Peters. On Friday, the two holed up at the Bel Air Hotel and "something happened," said a friend of Jon's, as "police were called." A rep for Jon reached the producer at his Santa Barbara ranch and told Page Six: "Jon has responded that he will be looking into the pur...

Merry Christmas! Britney’s Banging a Paparazzo!

Britney red shirt no bra Oh, this is rich. Look, I'm just gonna copy/paste it straight from the mouth of the photo agency, because they know better than I do, and because it's Christmas and I don't feel like being creative. The Toxic pop star reportedly spent intimate time with a British snapper called Adnan after a wild night out in Los Angeles on Saturday (22Dec07). The couple went back to Spears' new home from home, the Peninsula hotel, after the pop star literally picked the pap up from the 40-plus snapper...

Michelle Rodriguez Checked Her Ass Into Jail

Michelle checked into Lynwood on Sunday to begin a six-month sentence for failing to complete community service and alcohol monitoring as part of her probation from a drunken driving incident. Dumbass. And I love you guys, but I'm going to try to be a normal person and focus on spending time with friends and family right now. I know I said posting would resume as normal today, but I lied. We'll be back to normal on Wednesday. I wanna play with my mom and dad and sis!!! />...

Katherine Heigl and Her Cigarettes Got Married This Weekend

katie_josh.jpg She and Josh Kelley had the wedding at a resort in Park City, Utah. How much do you wanna bet Katherine was smoking during the ceremony? Like, just puffing away during her vows. They got married in a tent. You know why? Because you can smoke in a tent. No smoking in a church. The best part: T.R. Knight was a member of her bridal party. How very 21st century! Sandra Oh and Kate Walsh were in attendance as well. ...

Happy Holidays, Ya’ll!!

I'm pretty crazy today trying to get everything ready to go home for the holidays tonight, so posting will resume on Monday. I hope you're all having a fabulous time with your families and loved ones, and I certainly hope you all got your shopping done already, because I tried to go to the mall yesterday, and, after 15 minutes of driving around, still hadn't found a parking spot. I just turned around and left. Everyone's getting an Amazon gift certificate. :) Lots of love to all you readers. Have a happy and safe holiday. xoxo, Beet />I'm pretty crazy today trying to get everything ready to go home for the holidays tonight, so posting will resume on Monday. I hope you're all having a fabulous time with your families and loved ones, and I certainly hope you all got your shopping done already, because I tried to go to the mall yesterday, and, after 15 minutes of driving around, still hadn't found a parking spot. I just turned around and left. Everyone's getting an Amazon gift certificate. :) Lots of love to all you readers....