Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Bookmark This Page!!! - Watch more free videos The next time you are having a bad day, watch this. I guarantee it will improve your mood. These parents have trained an ADORABLE baby to give people the evil eye on command. This is what happens when the girls at Jezebel and I get bored. Thanks Jess! /> - Watch more free videos The next time you are having a bad day, watch this. I guarantee it will improve your mood. These parents have trained an ADORABLE baby to give people the evil eye on command. This is what happens when the girls at Jezebel and I get bored. Thanks Jess!...

I Don’t Wanna Write a Stupid Year in Review Piece

So, as some of you know, I work for, which is normally like working for no one at all, since they're based in Seattle and I'm in LA and for the most part they don't give a shit what I do as long as the traffic's coming in and there's not vagina on the front page, but every now and then I get a little request from them. "Can you do something on XYZ?" and my typical reaction is to spend more time emailing them back explaining why it violates my moral code of standards and is in many ways an affront to my personal religion to write about XYZ than it would have taken me to just write the damn piece in the first place. Anyway, they want a "Best of 2007" piece and you know what? I don't wanna fucking write it. It means slogging through pages and pages of old material and that is hard and time-consuming and boring and I'm too pretty to do things I don't want to do. I mean, there's the obvious: Britney, Britney, Britney, Anna Nicole dead, the late-coming JLS pregnancy, etc, but there have to be some hidden gems in there. So help me out, guys: what were your fave celeb moments of 2007? Big, small, funny, sad, whatever. If you cared about it, post it here. And if you're funny about it, you just might end up quoted in my piece. Oh, and I'm also interested in predictions for the coming year. What do you think 2008 will bring? Besides another Spears spawn? />So, as some of you know, I work for, which is normally like working for no one at all, since they're based in Seattle and I'm in LA and for the most part they don't give a shit what I do as long as the traffic's coming in and there's not vagina on the front page, but every now and then I get a little request from them. "Can you do something on XYZ?" and my typical reaction is to spend more time emailing them back explaining why it violates my moral code of standards and is in many ways ...

BumpWatch: Jessica Alba

jessica_alba_grove.jpg Here's Jess shopping at the Grove the day after Christmas. You can't really see the bump in any of these pictures. Dammit. She spent the afternoon picking up items at Banana Republic, The Apple Store and finished up at Nordstroms before she and her friend headed back to her Toyota Prius. She drives a Prius? How very socially conscious of her. I'd totally drive a hybrid car, if they weren't ugly and if they came in SUVs. ...

Breaking: Will Smith Halting Construction on Shrine to Hitler

will_smith.jpg We ignored the Will-Smith-loves-Hitler story around here, because it was stupid, and blown out of proportion, and Will Smith agrees. Basically, he was quoted by a reporter as saying: "Even Hitler didn't wake up going, 'let me do the most evil thing I can do today.' I think he woke up in the morning and using a twisted, backwards logic, he set out to do what he thought was 'good.'" I don't know why Will Smith said this. Memo to celebrities: There are literally billions of people on this ear...

Who Do I Have to Fuck for Something Interesting to Happen This Week? (Also: Pretty People Are Smarter)

aishwarya.jpg I know, I know, it's Christmas, but still. This has been the most boring week ever. Nothing's happened!! (Josh & Fergie getting engaged doesn't count, because in my special Evil Beet land, that never happened, and Josh is still saving his virginity for me.) I did something today that I've never done before in my life. I read the Economist. And now you're going to do it, too, because they have a very interesting article today (via Jezebel) asserting that pretty people are smarter, mo...

More JLS Fun: Casey Aldridge Possibly Not the Father

This rumor's been going around for awhile, so I'll pass it on to you guys. Word on the street is that Casey Aldridge is taking the fall for the Jamie-Lynn Spears pregnancy since he did date her, and, being less than two years older than she is, can't be held on statutory rape charges. They say he hasn't even really been dating Jamie-Lynn recently, and that the father is actually a much older exec on her TV show.
Star magazine insists that the teenager may not be the dad - and that Spears’ friends and family think it is an older man who would face statutory rape charges. Friends have said that Jamie Lynn was no longer even seeing Casey - and family members told Star that they believe the real father is a much older executive at her children’s TV show ‘Zoey 101′. “Casey is being paid off to be the family’s fall guy while the real father remains unidentified,” Star magazine insists. They say the real reason is that an older man could be charged with statutory rape if revealed to be the father of an under-aged girl’s baby. But in Jamie Lynn’s home state of Louisiana, Casey would escape charges because a 16-year-old can legally have sex with someone less than two years older than her. “Conveniently, Casey falls under the bar by just 26 days. “The man many suspect is the father, however, would face charges and probably prison time if he were to come forward and admit he had sex with her,” Star magazine states. The magazine quotes “two separate Spears family insiders” who believe the father is someone who works on Jamie Lynn’s kids’ show. “Jamie Lynn has been working on Zoey since she was 13,” one of the sources said. “In Hollywood, little girls grow up fast, and she is no exception. “With everything that has gone on in her family, she needed someone to look up to. “But the man she found seems to have completely taken advantage of her.”
Oh, I do hope this is true!!! But there'll be no way to tell without a DNA test, which I'm sure Jamie won't get if she's trying to protect this dude. />This rumor's been going around for awhile, so I'll pass it on to you guys. Word on the street is that Casey Aldridge is taking the fall for the Jamie-Lynn Spears pregnancy since he did date her, and, being less than two years older than she is, can't be held on statutory rape charges. They say he hasn't even really been dating Jamie-Lynn recently, and that the father is actually a much older exec on her TV show. Star magazine insists that the teenager may not be the dad - and that Spearsâ...

The Natalie Portman DUI!! Plus: RACIST RANT!!!

natalie2.jpg Natalie Portman was arrested early on the morning of December 26 when she drove her car right off PCH and into a Malibu home. She blew a 0.28 and called the arresting officer the n-word. is designing a line of motherfucking vegan shoes. In collaboration with Te Casan, Portman has designed a collection of vegan-friendly shoes that will debut at the brand’s New York boutique in February 2008. When is this girl going to do something wrong???? How can one person be so damn flawless? ...