Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Leggings Are Back!

lohan_salon.jpg Phew! That was weird for a minute. But Leggings Lohan is back in full force, engaging in her regular Friday night routine of hitting up a hair salon and then going shopping. I hit up the Roxy last night with some friends to see a few bands, and totally fell in love with this band called Kingsley. The keyboardist was my fave -- he's Rush Limbaugh's nephew, which drops him a few points in my book, but still, he was rocking out like crazy. Their sound was awesome. Ya'll should check 'em...

Why Is OJ Back in Jail?

oj_simpson.jpg Because he should be, that's why. Because he's motherfucking crazy. OJ was ordered to have no contact (direct, indirect, via third parties, or even via "passenger pigeon" -- I'm not kidding, it's in the court transcript) with his fellow defendants, but he left a message with his bail bondsman, directing him to relay a message to one of them. The message was as follows: "Hey Miguel, It's me ... I just want, want CJ [co-defendant Clarence Stewart] to know that the whole thing all the time he w...

Everyone’s Having Babies Right Now!!!!

courtney_hubby.jpg It's baby day! Courtney Thorne-Smith birthed a baby boy today. (At the age of 40! Congrats!!!) And David Alan Grier's wife had a little girl today. Dammit, I totally should have had a baby today. I knew there was something I was supposed to be doing other than lazing around on my couch, eating pizza and not blogging, because sometimes, ya know, I just don't wanna fucking blog. I have the easiest damn job on the entire planet and some days I'm just like, "You know, it sure does seem ...