Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Criss Angel Never Intended to Make Britney’s Career Disappear

criss_angel.jpg For the first time, illusionist Criss Angel is opening up about what he'd planned for Britney's big VMA comeback performance ... and what went wrong. "With Britney I presented concepts to create, within her performance, illusions that would happen in the open. You would see Britney and then she would split into two Britneys and then four Britneys with no boxes or covers. It would just be a visual effect using no screens. People in the past have used the art of magic in music performanc...

Who the Hell Is Trying to Take Photos of Bjork?

bjork.jpg I guess in other countries, people still care about Bjork, as she attacked a newspaper photographer shortly after she arrived at New Zealand's Auckland International Airport on Sunday. "I took a couple of pictures ... and as I turned and walked away she came up behind me, grabbed the back of my black skivvy (T-shirt) and tore it," said the photog. "As she did this, she fell over, she fell to the ground," he said. "At no stage did I touch her or speak with her." Is Bjork a bigger deal ove...