A court today will consider extending Jamie Spears' conservatorship over his daughter, mostly because it seems to be working.
Britney hasn't done anything totally insane since her dad took control of her life. She's basically been holed up at home, and is reportedly text-messaging friends saying that she's bored.
Bored, but safe.
Hopefully the court will let Jamie Spears stay in control. />...
Uno the Beagle won the Westminster Dog Show this weekend.
Awww ... this makes me want a dog. But definitely not a poodle. Those things look ridiculous. />...
So everyone's going fucking nuts because Jane Fonda said "cunt" on The Today Show.
She was talking about the name of a monologue she was supposed to read in a play.
It's not that big a deal, people. Get over it. />...
Check out Bret Michaels on Ellen. />...