Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Oh, the Hogan Drama! Daddy’s Banging Daughter’s Friend!

brooke_hogan.jpg Things just keep getting worse for that Hogan family. Remember when they all seemed so happy and familial and perfect on TV? Things are never what they seem, my friends. A 33-year-old pal of Brooke Hogan's, Christiane Plant, has spilled the beans to the National Enquirer about an affair she had last year -- before the divorce -- with Papa Hulk. Says Christiane: "My relationship with Terry [Hulk Hogan] began at a time when Terry and Linda privately knew their marriage was ending. She had l...

I Have an Ali Larter Obsession

Ali Larter and Fiance Hayes MacArthur, Pictures, Photos So I know I haven't been whining about it much lately -- it's been a conscious and strenuous effort -- but I'm still sick. My life has become rather small. I sleep, I blog, I eat oranges and cereal, and I watch DVDs of Heroes. In fact, today was notable because I managed to drive my car for the first time since Friday. My dad wasn't home and I absolutely had to have a chicken sandwich from Burger King. I was in no condition to drive, but I had no choice. So I hauled my ass out to my car ...


nicoleoscar.jpg "I have to tell you that Nicole Kidman most certainly did NOT drink white wine or any other alcoholic beverage backstage. She had water and lemon zinger tea. That’s it. I know, I was there with her I cannot remember that last time that Cindy Adams got anything right. She’s an idiot, and you can quote me." Nicole Kidman's rep, Catherine Olim, responding to allegations that preggers Nicole Kidman was drinking wine at the Oscars. ...

Things Are Happening In Britney Spears’ Life and I Can’t Bring Myself to Care

Seriously, the best I can muster with Britney Spears these days is running the occasional shopping photo. I know it's, like, my whole job and stuff, but it physically pains me to follow the events in her legal life. But I'm trying, for you guys' sake. So basically Britney wants to take that conservatorship away from her dad, even though it's single-handedly saving her life, and she hired some lawyer to do it, and the lawyer tried to move the case to federal court, for reasons I can't begin to understand, and then judge was all like "No you can't move the case to federal court" and the conservatorship stays with her dad, thank God. And Star magazine is reporting her ass might be pregnant with Adnan's baby, which is almost certainly untrue. Phew. That was fucking hard. I'm going to nap now. />Seriously, the best I can muster with Britney Spears these days is running the occasional shopping photo. I know it's, like, my whole job and stuff, but it physically pains me to follow the events in her legal life. But I'm trying, for you guys' sake. So basically Britney wants to take that conservatorship away from her dad, even though it's single-handedly saving her life, and she hired some lawyer to do it, and the lawyer tried to move the case to federal court, for reasons I can't...

Mariah Carey: “Touch My Body” Full Video

Okay, I have to admit, when I saw the original clip released of this video, I was not impressed. But now that I've seen the whole thing, I actually kind of like it. It's not, like, deep or anything, but, come on, this is Mariah Carey here. It's fun and playful and cute, and I think I might sorta dig it. /> Okay, I have to admit, when I saw the original clip released of this video, I was not impressed. But now that I've seen the whole thing, I actually kind of like it. It's not, like, deep or anything, but, come on, this is Mariah Carey here. It's fun and playful and cute, and I think I might sorta dig it. ...

In Case You Missed It

Check out Gary Coleman and his wife on The Today Show. I like the part where all her friends were excited because she was dating "a superstar," but she doesn't know him that way, because she's never seen Diff'rent Strokes, because she's like 14 years old. /> Check out Gary Coleman and his wife on The Today Show. I like the part where all her friends were excited because she was dating "a superstar," but she doesn't know him that way, because she's never seen Diff'rent Strokes, because she's like 14 years old. ...