The Ministry of Defense called the rampant reporting of Harry's deployment by "elements of the foreign media...regrettable," and said that while the prince was expected to return to Britain in a matter of weeks, the situation had now "clearly changed."
"Following a detailed assessment of the risks by the operational chain of command, the decision has been withdraw Prince Harry from Afghanistan immediately," the Ministry said.
The decision to pull Harry out of the combat zone comes after the collapse of a media blackout. While U.K. reporters and media outlets were already aware of his deployment, they entered into an embargo agreement with the military not to report on his service until he returned home safely.
The jig was up, however, when the Drudge Report broke the news, in turn claiming that it had pieced together information from Australian press last month.
Americans. We're so helpful. />Looks like since Matt Drudge decided to be an asshole and report Harry's presence in Afghanistan, he's been pulled out.
The Ministry of Defense called the rampant reporting of Harry's deployment by "elements of the foreign media...regrettable," and said that while the prince was expected to return to Britain in a matter of weeks, the situation had now "clearly changed."
"Following a detailed assessment of the risks by the operational chain of command, the decision has been withdraw...