Today's Evil Beet Gossip

How I Met Your Mother Wants Britney Back

brit_shopping.jpg Oh, Britney! It happened! You did something and it was good! As opposed to your VMA performance, after which the MTV employee handbook was reprinted and redistributed to include the line "Do not, under any circumstances, put Britney Spears on stage live," the folks over at How I Met Your Mother actually want you back! According to multiple sources, Brit's in talks to reprise her role as Ted's stalker in at least one more episode. "It all depends on her availability," says an insider. Aw, B...

Charlie Is Toothless!

Charlie the Shih-Tzu Is Toothless! The conversation I had with the veterinarian today: Vet: Now, this breed is particularly prone to dental problems, so you're going to want to keep a close eye on his teeth. Me: Okay. But he doesn't have any teeth right now. Vet: Oh, yes, he does. Me: No, he doesn't. Vet: Yes, he does. Me: No, he doesn't. He has one or two way in back, but that's it. Vet: [Looks at me like I'm insisting my dog can fly.] He has teeth. Let me show you. [Vet opens Charlie's mouth.] Oh. Wow. You're ri...

Rock On, Jenny McCarthy

I don't really understand what they're arguing about, but I love that Jenny McCarthy is fighting her ass off in support of autism research and proper treatment. And I love that she said "bullshit" on CNN. ...

Okay, I Love Lindsay Lohan Too

You know, when this girl's high or drunk, she's a fucking nightmare. But when she's sober, she's chill as all hell. I totally think we could be friends. Here's Lindsay fucking around with the TMZ crew. ...

EVERYONE Cares Who Heidi Montag Votes For

heidi_montag.jpg When some intrepid reporter actually used precious breath to ask Heidi Montag who she's voting for, she responded: "I'm voting for John McCain ... I'm a Republican and McCain has a lot of experience." I guess, at that point, Spencer said something to admonish her about talking politics in interviews, and she responded, "I don't think anyone cares who Heidi Montag votes for," which is pretty much the smartest thing she's ever said in her whole life. This whole exchange raises a very important ...


David Spade and Chris Farley, Pictures, Photos "I got a lot of shit at the end about 'Why weren't you there for him?' But being that close, I dealt with it all the time. And in that situation, before the guy's dead, he's just kind of an asshole. Truth is, you get a junkie who's wasted all the time and moody and angry and trying to knock you around, you say, 'OK, you go do that, and I'll be over here.'" David Spade, who's quoted in The Last Days of Chris Farley, a book penned by Farley's brother. Excerpts from the book will run in ...
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