Today's Evil Beet Gossip

True Love!

cynthia_gf2.jpg Look, I know a lot of you feel that I should leave the civilians out of this blog, and normally I do, but Cynthia Nixon's girlfriend, Christine Marinoni, is so fundamentally unattractive that I just can't stop myself from pointing it out every time I see her. I'm sure she is a wonderful, beautiful person, but do you know what this picture reminds me of? Remember that scene from The Wedding Singer where there's that fat boy at the Bar Mitzvah? And no one will dance with him and he's sad? An...

As If On Cue …

Pamela Anderson at Sons’ Baseball Game, Pictures, Photos I just got done talking about how Linda Evangelista is aging gracefully and beautifully, and I come across these pictures of Pamela Anderson, showing up at her sons' baseball game in Malibu in what appears to be her underwear. I think I own a G-string with more coverage. Oh, I'm totally kidding. I don't own any G-strings. I don't understand the appeal. I don't get girls who are like "Oh, G-strings are so much more comfortable!" Really? How can you say that? They go up your ass crack! Now that I thi...

Miss Oklahoma Wants to Help Britney Spears

Everything's coming up Britney! At the Miss USA 2008 pageant, Miss Oklahoma was asked which famous person she'd most want to help right now. (Go to 2:20 in the clip.) She responds with Britney Spears. Which is kind of ridiculous, but it got me thinking who I'd pick, and I don't know if I can come up with a better answer, so I'm turning it over to you guys. If you could help one famous person to better themselves, who would it be? /> Everything's coming up Britney! At the Miss USA 2008 pageant, Miss Oklahoma was asked which famous person she'd most want to help right now. (Go to 2:20 in the clip.) She responds with Britney Spears. Which is kind of ridiculous, but it got me thinking who I'd pick, and I don't know if I can come up with a better answer, so I'm turning it over to you guys. If you could help one famous person to better themselves, who would it be? ...

Neil Patrick Harris Wants to Make Perfectly Clear That He Loves Britney Spears

nph_britney.jpg It's not every day that the AP issues a retraction. But this hit the wire this morning: In an April 10 story about Neil Patrick Harris and his TV sitcom, "How I Met Your Mother," The Associated Press reported that Harris stated he did not think Britney Spears should appear on his show in the future. The pop star's March 24 cameo on the show helped it earn its highest rating ever among the 18-to-49-year-old demographic. Harris said he did not favor what he called "stunt casting" for hi...