Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Yes Of COURSE Star Jones Is Filing For Divorce

Star Jones and Al Reynolds to Divorce, Pictures, Photos I take a sick pleasure in this sort of thing. When famous people's marriages fail, it makes me feel less sad about being pathetically single. Star Jones has filed for divorce from her husband of four years, Al Reynolds. Says Jones in a statement: "Several years ago I made an error in judgment by inviting the media into the most intimate area of my life. A month ago I filed for divorce. The dissolution of a marriage is a difficult time in anyone's life that requires privacy with one's tho...

More of This ScoJo Mess

For those of you who are willing to exist in the same reality where Scarlett Johansson records an entire album of Tom Waits covers, we now have six of the album's tracks streaming. Listen to them here. The full album drops May 20, on which date President Bush will release his book of fart jokes, Paula Abdul will move into her position as the U.S. Drug Czar, Mary-Kate Olsen will defend her PhD thesis in comparative literature (full title: "Ethical and Aesthetic Elements in Sartre's Roads ...

Larry Rudolph Hits MySpace

I wonder how much you have to pay to be one of the "Cool New People" on the MySpace front page. Larry Rudolph is there today. You can check out his full profile here. His comments are mostly just people begging him to help Britney. Hee hee. Also, I can't for the life of me get the plugin working that was allowing me to show photos of myself on here. And I get no end of emails from you guys like "What do you look like???" Seriously there was one guy who emailed me five times, like, "Me again! I'll stop emailing you if you send me pics of yourself!!!" So I've decided ...

Lindsay Lohan Proclaims Her Sobriety Via “Lindsay Ronson” Facebook Page

Lindsay Lohan \"Ronson\" Facebook Page Oh, this is nice. Lindsay Lohan has created a Facebook page under the name "Lindsay Ronson." She's using her Facebook status to address the rumors that she's fallen off the wagon, referring to these pictures when she says "dont believe the hype. im taking my sobriety seriously, and day by day. it was 430 am!" You gotta fucking love that she's still warring with Lauren Hastings, her former rehab frenemy, as it appears they are calling one another fat in their comments while debating who is working a better AA program of love and serenity. OMG....

Bushy Gets No Love from NBC Audiences

President Bush is a Fucking Idiot Our Commander in Chief's much-heralded visit to "Deal or No Deal" on Monday night did nothing to improve the show's ratings. In fact, that episode matched its lowest Monday rating ever. Ahhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha. Britney Spears scores HIMYM its highest ratings ever. President Bush lands this show its lowest ratings ever. Loves. It. Maybe it's just that everyone knew that the part with President Bush would be all over the Internet, like, five seconds later. But everyone knew that about Britne...

Oh, Man, Miley Cyrus Is Like Two Years Away From a Full-Blown Alcohol Problem

Miley Cyrus Kisses Mom Leticia Cyrus, Pictures, Photos It's like they're grooming her to become Britney Spears. Warts and all. Like, remember when Britney went crazy and decided she hated her mother and wanted absolutely no contact with the woman and blamed her for the entirety of her problems? And remember how that was really funny because just a few years back Britney and Lynne had written a book about how much they loved each other and how close they were and what a fantastic, indestructible relationship they had? Yeah. So now Miley ...