Today's Evil Beet Gossip

It’s a Slow Enough News Day That We’re Going to Talk About Al Reynolds

Sigh. I held off on this forever. But there's nothing going on today, and between this and that Remy Ma nonsense (seriously, if you don't want to go to jail for eight years, don't shoot at people with a gun), I'm gonna go with Big Gay Al. Al's updated the "About Me" section on his MySpace page (on which he has three friends, one of which is Tom), to this: Dear Friends: If you think you are having a tough day, may I propose you walk in my shoes for a few hours. In my mind, it feels like “Dump on Al ...

Did Ashlee Simpson Cheat on Pete Wentz???

Meet TJ Swartz, the swashbuckling young man who reportedly banged Ashlee Simpson on and off for two solid months, while she was dating Pete Wentz. Says TJ's friend: So my buddy TJ is the guy I was telling you about who hooked up with Ashley Simpson while she was with Pete Wentz. He’s just some normal dude -no industry connects. He met Ashley at some club in West Hollywood a little over a year ago and they shacked up a few times over a two month period or so. We used to give him s...

I’m Back on Twitter

I don't even know why. I just am. This way I can live-blog all my bad dates for you guys. And there are plenty. Plus you'll be able to find out in real time when Leo pees on something inappropriate. Which is every five minutes or so. Seriously I was in a meeting with my boss on Friday and I put Leo on his desk for all of thirty seconds before he peed all over the papers on the desk. Leo did, not my boss. This would be a way funnier story if my boss had peed all over the papers on his own desk ("Umm ... so I take it you didn't like my viral marketing ideas?"), but it was just Leo, but still, it was one of those moments where I was like "I wish I had Twitter right now so I could tell the whole world that Leo just peed on my boss's desk." To follow me on Twitter, click here , or you can just follow updates in the sidebar of this website. />I don't even know why. I just am. This way I can live-blog all my bad dates for you guys. And there are plenty. Plus you'll be able to find out in real time when Leo pees on something inappropriate. Which is every five minutes or so. Seriously I was in a meeting with my boss on Friday and I put Leo on his desk for all of thirty seconds before he peed all over the papers on the desk. Leo did, not my boss. This would be a way funnier story if my boss had peed all over the papers on his own desk ("Umm...

Something Is Missing …

For once, there's an event without Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt! But ... it's The Hills Season Finale party. Why weren't they there??? Heidi's rep responds with two simple, yet beautiful, words: "Not invited." Lauren swears she has nothing to do with the guest list, but somehow I don't believe that. But Stephanie Pratt was there! Very, very strange. Oh, and all the girls there, except Audrina, were wearing the same shade of red nail polish. I hate that I notice things like that. [gallery]...

I Love It When News Anchors Swear

Someone's mic wasn't turned off quite in time ... I remember being 11 or 12, and, since my mom was a domestic goddess and I already spent plenty of time tagging along with my dad at work, my parents always came up with women with cool jobs for me to follow around for Take Our Daughters to Work Day. One year, I got to run around a hospital with a surgeon, and she took me to watch open-heart surgery, in the actual surgery room, not in a viewing gallery or anything. I just stood there like three feet from the patient and wa...

She Took It Off!

Oh, happy, happy, happiness! Sarah Jessica Parker took off that ridiculous hat when she attended the SATC premiere after party. Or maybe she didn't voluntarily take it off. Maybe Matthew Broderick got a look at some of the photos on the AP wire and called her like, "Seriously, Sarah, I will divorce you over this." Or maybe someone tried to shoot her in the face while screaming "You look like a foot!" and missed and hit the hat. Or maybe she just had to put it back in the vase. Whatever...

For the Love of God, Will Someone Put Leven Ramblin on Primetime Already?

The kids at Gawker point out that the gorgeous 17-year-old soap star and general NYC maker-of-trouble didn't bother to make her MySpace page private, and it contains a variety of photos that, um, well, Miley Cyrus probably wouldn't put on her MySpace page (unless, of course, Annie Leibovitz instructed her to). I love this girl and I want her to be famouser. She's young! She's beautiful! She's a famewhore (a full day after Gawker discovered the photos, she still hasn't taken them down)....


Elizabeth Berkley to Page Six Magazine on Sunday, discussing her ill-fated role in the cinematic masterpiece that was Showgirls: "If you just looked at it on paper, it felt like a no-brainer." After all, the Basic Instinct team of director Paul Verhoeven and writer Joe Eszterhas had just made Sharon Stone a household name. Her only concerns at the time were simple, she says. "I thought, 'Do I feel comfortable with this director? Do I feel like I will be protected in this?' Those things all ...
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