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So I was
totally not excited about the rumored video of Angelina Jolie hanging out in some sort of a drug den because I was like "So what ... she's totally admitted she's done drugs, no biggie." What I was not prepared for was
nearly eight minutes of a totally loaded Angelina muttering on and on about such wide-ranging topics as her interest in S&M, how she accidentally killed her pets, and how she wants to bring shiny new costumes to poor kids. It's a must-see!
The tape, interestingly enough, doesn't actually show Angie doing drugs, although the woman sitting next to her is smoking heroin and it's clear Angelina is high. But this is SO MUCH BETTER than just a boring tape of her smoking some dope.
The footage is from 1999, when Angelina was 23. />
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Player 8 or higher to view video content with the ROO Flash Player. Click here to download and install it.
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So I was totally not excited about the rumored video of Angelina Jolie hanging out in some sort of a drug den because I was like "So what ... she's totally admitted she's done drugs, no biggie." What I was not prepared for was nearly eight minutes of a totally loaded Angelina muttering on and on about such wide-ranging topic...