have to quit smoking. It's seriously way past okay for me to be smoking. I started when I was sixteen, and I promised myself I would quit by 21. I was not going to smoke for more than five years. And now we're going on year ten, and I wake up in the morning hacking my lungs out, and I get winded when I walk up a flight of stairs, and it's really just unacceptable. Plus, the secondhand smoke is not good for Leo to be around. And I bet
Greg Plitt wouldn't date a girl who smokes. So I have to quit smoking.
I've tried everything, you guys. I've tried patches and gums and Chantix and meditation and prayer. I even once went to a Nicotine Anonymous meeting, but that was just a little too much for me. I was like, "Um, okay, the first step is to admit I'm powerless over nicotine and my life has become unmanageable. So, I get the powerless part, but I don't really think it's making my life unmanageable. I just want to quit." And the other people in the group, who were old, tried to be very helpful. They were like "Don't you hate it when you have to end a phone conversation quickly so you can get outside to have a cigarette?" And I was like, "Um, I haven't talked on a phone with a cord since I was 8, and I smoke in my house." And so they were like "Don't you hate having to be late for meetings at work because you were taking a smoke break?" and I was like "Uh, I work from my living room. Where I smoke." And then they were like "Well don't you feel bad when your husband complains about your smoking?" And I was like "Uh ..." Long story short: I left the meeting and lit up a cigarette.
So now I'm 24 hours into my not-smoking (although I'm using the patches), and I figure I'm just going to be accountable to you guys here. You're going to be my support group. I'm going to be responsible for telling you at the end of each day that I didn't have a cigarette that day, and you guys are going to be like "Congrats!" or "We don't care!" or "MILEY CYRUS is hottttttt i want to put my penis in her boooooobs!!!1" or whatever it is you guys say in the comments. But there are a lot of you, and I'm going to make myself accountable to you.
And if you feel like quitting smoking along with me, feel free to leave your own updates in the comments. Your ass can be accountable to me. :)
It's been 24 hours so far. I haven't had a cigarette today. Hopefully I can say the same thing tomorrow night! />I have to quit smoking. It's seriously way past okay for me to be smoking. I started when I was sixteen, and I promised myself I would quit by 21. I was not going to smoke for more than five years. And now we're going on year ten, and I wake up in the morning hacking my lungs out, and I get winded when I walk up a flight of stairs, and it's really just unacceptable. Plus, the secondhand smoke is not good for Leo to be around. And I bet Greg Plitt wouldn't date a girl who smokes. So I have to quit smoking.
I've tried everything, you guys. I've tried patches and g...