Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Did Joey Kill Drea de Matteo’s Career?

The fabulous Drea, who we first met on The Sopranos and then later as the female lead on Joey, hasn't really worked much since the Friends spin-off got canned. And apparently she thinks the show had something to do with it. Says a source who overheard her talking in NYC: "She was saying 'Joey' completely ruined her career. She called it horrible and said she hasn't been able to really work since then. She said she's really been out of the business and is trying to get back in." Eh, I don...

Have John and Jen Been Together Longer Than We Thought?

To the public, Jennifer Aniston's romance with John Mayer began just earlier this month. But now sources are saying it's been a lot longer than that. "They'd been keeping it under wraps and hiding out together on their dates," said the source. "Then Jen realized it wasn't just a fling and decided to take it public." True? Maybe, maybe not, but I kind of believe it. Jen is notoriously private about her dating life since the Brangelina fiasco, and I did think that it was sort of weird that she was spotted making out with John right...

Hey Look It’s Mars!

Yay, Mars! I guess they think that polygonal area on the ground is evidence of the presence of ice at some point in time. And when there's ice, there's water. And when there's water, there's the possibility of life. Waaaaay exciting! I know what we're likely talking about is the possibility of miniscule little amoeba who existed millions of years ago, but I have this secret hope that they're gonna find some unimaginably adorable, small, furry, loving creatures who dance and sing and lo...

Holy Shit We’re on Mars

Congrats to the folks at JPL, NASA, Lockheed Martin and a host of universities, who successfully landed a probe near the Arctic Circle on Mars for the first time ever on Sunday evening. The probe will look for signs of life (past or present) on the Red Planet, and give us photos like we've never seen before. I get so excited about stuff like this! I know it's not really gossip, but I'm going to keep you guys posted anyway. />Congrats to the folks at JPL, NASA, Lockheed Martin and a host of universities, who successfully landed a probe near the Arctic Circle on Mars for the first time ever on Sunday evening. The probe will look for signs of life (past or present) on the Red Planet, and give us photos like we've never seen before. I get so excited about stuff like this! I know it's not really gossip, but I'm going to keep you guys posted anyway. ...

It’s Time for New Pictures of Leo!!!

Memorial Day weekend is always one of the slowest news times of the year. It's the first major holiday of the year, so everyone gets the hell out of town -- this includes publicists, paparazzi and tipsters. So no one's taking any pictures, no one's issuing or leaking any stories, and it's boring as hell. Instead of sitting at home and waiting for something to happen, I took Leo to the Northwest Folklife Festival, accompanied by my friends Trish and Jesse, their Great Dane Bruter, and their neighbors, who brought their bulldog, Bacon. It's hard to really tell what the Folklife Festival is about (I kept asking and never got a straight answer), but there are lots of the following: people, food, art, music, dogs and weed. There's this huge grassy section where the neo-hippies hang out in their funny neo-hippie clothes and get way stoned. That alone was worth the trip. I wanted to take pictures of them ("The Stoner Exhibit") but then I figured that would be rude. Anyway, our group got a ton of attention, wandering around with three dogs of VERY different sizes and shapes. It was pretty much the cutest thing ever. I took a video so you all could see how adorable it is. I'm learning that Leo is very, very friendly with people -- he loves to be held, cooed at, played with, etc -- but other dogs bore him quickly. I kept trying to get him to play with the other dogs, but he had way more interest in playing with the people. He's not mean to other dogs or anything, they just hold very little intrigue for him. Anyway, I've included here the video of the three dogs hanging out, and some new pics of Leo so you all can see how beautifully he's growing up. He's still at only four pounds, and it doesn't look like he's going to put on a whole lot more size. The vet continues to assure me that he is healthy, and he's probably just a naturally very small dog. I love him! [gallery] /> Memorial Day weekend is always one of the slowest news times of the year. It's the first major holiday of the year, so everyone gets the hell out of town -- this includes publicists, paparazzi and tipsters. So no one's taking any pictures, no one's issuing or leaking any stories, and it's boring as hell. Instead of sitting at home and waiting for something to happen, I took Leo to the Northwest Folklife Festival, accompanied by my friends Trish and Jesse, their Great Dane Bruter, and thei...

In Case You Missed It

Here's Adam Duritz & Co performing "Hanging Tree" at Bryant Park on Friday. Man, so, in case you guys didn't notice, the beginning of this year was a really hard time for me. (I know, I know, you noticed ... when I go crazy, everybody notices.) This song struck a chord with me for some reason at that time, and I listened to it over and over and over again while I was living with my dad in Arizona, trying to get my life back together after battling illness upon illness. I listened to it about a thousand times on my drive to Seattle, right after Charlie died (that and Patty Griffin's entire Living with Ghosts album, which I highly recommend for times of extreme depression). I hadn't heard it in a while, and so listening to this really brought me back. It almost makes me shaky to hear, and I probably don't want to play it over and over again because it brings back awful memories, but it also helped demonstrate for me how far I've come in the month and a half since I arrived in Seattle. It's funny how music can restore an emotional state -- it caught me off-guard -- and this song just brings back that pit in my stomach, that enveloping sadness and hopelessness that I don't feel anymore. I'd almost forgotten entirely how all-encompassing and unbearable that feeling was. It reminds me that I need to be grateful that I'm doing so well now, and that I need to thank God for bringing me somewhere where I could heal, and surrounding me with people and situations who could help with that process. And I'm so grateful to be reminded that what I feel at one point in my life isn't how I'm going to feel forever. I don't mean to be on a soapbox, but, during that time, I got lots of emails, MySpace messages and comments from people saying that they were going through a difficult time, too, and wishing me the best, and those notes meant the world to me. To this day, I get emails from you guys saying that you're still in a difficult time, and that watching me come through it in one piece has given you hope. So I guess I just wanted to reiterate it for those of you in a shitty place right now: this too shall pass. Anyway, this clip cuts off after a minute and a half, so another version of them performing "Hanging Tree" is after the jump for those of you who want to hear the whole thing. Read More /> Here's Adam Duritz & Co performing "Hanging Tree" at Bryant Park on Friday. Man, so, in case you guys didn't notice, the beginning of this year was a really hard time for me. (I know, I know, you noticed ... when I go crazy, everybody notices.) This song struck a chord with me for some reason at that time, and I listened to it over and over and over again while I was living with my dad in Arizona, trying to get my life back together after battling illness upon illness. I listened to it about ...

Still Going Strong!

There had been rumors of trouble in paradise, but Carmen Electra was all over her fiance, guitarist Rob Patterson, at Harrah's Casino in Atlantic City on Friday. And, yes, she's still sporting that rock. I really don't like her dress, and I'm not even sure why. I think in the pictures it doesn't look like the top fits very well. It may be one of those dresses that looks really good in person but not so good in photos. [gallery]...