Ah, popular culture, how I love thee.
Check out this fabulous moment during a live WWE broadcast where Vince McMahon, WWE chairman, attempts to call a lucky winner to award him $200,000. He gets a reverse ringtone: Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up." And poor old Vince McMahon just can't make sense of what is happening.
Now, I have given a truly unnecessary amount of thought to whether this guy intentionally rickrolled Vince McMahon. Seriously I have just been playing this clip over and over again for like twenty minutes trying to figure it out. I think the answer is yes. They must talk to these people beforehand to let them know to expect a call and to pick up the phone. This guy must have called one of his buddies like "Holy shit, someone from the WWE is supposed to call me tonight. It might even be that live on-air call to tell me I've won all that cash!" and his buddy was like, "Dude. You know what you have to do?" and he was like "What?" and his buddy was like "Rick Astley, dude. Rick. Fucking. Astley."
Right? No one just rickrolls everyone who calls, right?
Rickrolling: as pointless as the WWE, but somehow way, way cooler. />
Ah, popular culture, how I love thee.
Check out this fabulous moment during a live WWE broadcast where Vince McMahon, WWE chairman, attempts to call a lucky winner to award him $200,000. He gets a reverse ringtone: Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up." And poor old Vince McMahon just can't make sense of what is happening.
Now, I have given a truly unnecessary amount of thought to whether this guy intentionally rickrolled Vince McMahon. Seriously I have just been playing this clip o...
Rapper Nas has just released the new video for his "controversial" song on his "controversial" album, "Be a Nigger Too."
It's eight-and-a-half minutes long, and includes a variety of what some might consider racial slurs. Not just "nigger." He uses "kike" and "spic," too. But he uses all of them in what I have to say is a loving manner.
Look, I'm not black. I'm Jewish, but I don't look it. I've never really been on the receiving end of racial injustice. I'll state that upfront as a disclaimer. But I don't understand what the big deal is here. Nas is trying to remove the anger and hatred from these words. Because it's no secret that language can shape a culture as much as a culture shapes a language. I don't know if it really matters in the long run -- if people want to hate other people because of their race (and their own insecurities and self-hatred), they're going to find a way to do it -- but you can't blame a guy for trying.
I feel like even labeling this album as "controversial" is racism in and of itself. Why is it controversial? Because it involves a black man supporting basic human rights and dignity while using the word "nigger"? Like, what, white men hundreds of years ago get to decide that the word "nigger" is offensive and no one can ever change that evereverever? We're just supposed to have this word that carries such a strong undercurrent of hatred and violence lingering in our dialect until the fucking universe implodes? Why can't someone try to change this? Why is it so wrong to try? I understand that its critics want to respect the struggle that black people have endured in America, especially in regards to that word, and I appreciate that, but what I hear Nas trying to say with this song is "Move the fuck on, people. It's a divisive word. Let's give it less power." And I totally appreciate that, too, and it's upsetting that anyone would want to revoke his right to send that message in whatever way he chooses.
I'm sure you all have your own opinions on this matter. Please weigh in. />
Rapper Nas has just released the new video for his "controversial" song on his "controversial" album, "Be a Nigger Too."
It's eight-and-a-half minutes long, and includes a variety of what some might consider racial slurs. Not just "nigger." He uses "kike" and "spic," too. But he uses all of them in what I have to say is a loving manner.
Look, I'm not black. I'm Jewish, but I don't look it. I've never really been on the receiving end of racial injustice. I'll state that upfront as a discl...
Justin is exhausted and hungover and unhappy about being stuck at a press junket.
Chuck the Movie Guy kind of starts the whole thing out on a bad note.
But, in general, Justin's just being a HUGE bitch here.
I laughed out loud like five times. />
Justin is exhausted and hungover and unhappy about being stuck at a press junket.
Chuck the Movie Guy kind of starts the whole thing out on a bad note.
But, in general, Justin's just being a HUGE bitch here.
I laughed out loud like five times. ...