The fabulous Ms. Rivers was kicked off the UK talk show Loose Women for calling Russell Crowe a "piece of fucking shit." She warned the producers to bleep her, but the show is live and there's no bleeping. Joan was asked to leave at the commercial break.
Says Joan in apology: "Yes, I swore, and I'm so fucking sorry. No one told me the TV show Loose Women was a reality show and that I would be voted off. It's funny: offstage, I hardly ever use profanity. My favorite four-letter word is 'shop.'"
I ::heart:: Joan Rivers. />
The fabulous Ms. Rivers was kicked off the UK talk show Loose Women for calling Russell Crowe a "piece of fucking shit." She warned the producers to bleep her, but the show is live and there's no bleeping. Joan was asked to leave at the commercial break.
Says Joan in apology: "Yes, I swore, and I'm so fucking sorry. No one told me the TV show Loose Women was a reality show and that I would be voted off. It's funny: offstage, I hardly ever use profanity. My favorite four-letter word is 'sh...