Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Stars: They’re Just Like Us!

They sleep at crappy hotels!!! Ivanka Trump flew commercial last weekend to the Aspen Food & Wine Classic, but her plane was delayed overnight in Salt Lake City due to storms. Ever the commoner, Ivanka crashed at the Quality Inn and ate Little Caesars for dinner with the $18 stipend from the airline. You know, I used to think there was really not much difference between fancy hotels and standard motels. In my book, as long as I have an Internet connection, TV and a bed, I'm a happy camper. In fact, in my experience, the cheap motels off...

Kids Come First

Will Smith's new film Hancock opens the same day as his daughter Willow's flick, Kitt Ketteridge: An American Girl, where she stars opposite Abigail Breslin. So will there be tension in the household? Of course not. It's the Smiths. They're perfect. In fact, Will is cutting short his promotional duties for Hancock tomorrow so that he can join Willow at her film's premiere in LA. I also have to say that Willow, who's seven, is already strikingly beautiful. She totally got the best of both...

An Emotional Phone Call Between 50 Cent and Young Buck

Okay, look, I'll be honest: I have no idea what they're talking about, or why Young Buck is upset. Or why this call was recorded or released, for that matter. I don't follow the goings-on of G-Unit very closely. But it's a call between Young Buck and 50 Cent, and I'm sure plenty of you care about whatever is being discussed here. Maybe you can explain it to me. The phone call gets good around 4:30, when Buck basically breaks down and starts to cry about whatever he's upset about. And I have to say that Fitty is super amazing and supportive and sweet about the whole thing. It's definitely a departure from the image I had of him. He doesn't berate Buck for breaking down or tell him to "man up" or anything; rather, he's a friend. You'd think that after so many years of doing this shit, I wouldn't be surprised when someone's public image doesn't completely jive with the way they live their private life. But this was just so sweet to me, I had to run it. [source] /> Okay, look, I'll be honest: I have no idea what they're talking about, or why Young Buck is upset. Or why this call was recorded or released, for that matter. I don't follow the goings-on of G-Unit very closely. But it's a call between Young Buck and 50 Cent, and I'm sure plenty of you care about whatever is being discussed here. Maybe you can explain it to me. The phone call gets good around 4:30, when Buck basically breaks down and starts to cry about whatever he's upset about. And I hav...

Hey You Guys I Know Who Won the Big Basketball Thingy

Pssst ... it was the Celtics! I hope no one's pissed about that spoiler!!! But my Internet connection was being weird, and when it does that I always try to load, because that's a site with very little downtime and it's not cached, and so I did that, and it loaded, and then I learned who won the big basketball game!!! I didn't even know it was today!!! I feel really hip right now because I know that. So I'm telling you guys. I'm bragging, really. I am bragging that I know who won the World Series of Basketball or whatever it's called. I am so with it. I am totally one of those girls you want to date because she's all into sports and stuff. />Pssst ... it was the Celtics! I hope no one's pissed about that spoiler!!! But my Internet connection was being weird, and when it does that I always try to load, because that's a site with very little downtime and it's not cached, and so I did that, and it loaded, and then I learned who won the big basketball game!!! I didn't even know it was today!!! I feel really hip right now because I know that. So I'm telling you guys. I'm bragging, really. I am bragging that I know who won...

Jennifer vs. Jennifer

I'd like to begin this piece by stating that I think it's absolutely absurd that someone's trying to make a movie based off the Greg Behrendt book He's Just Not That Into You. It's a great book that revolutionized my dating life, but it's a stupid premise for a movie. And I hate that they're doing this. That said, the cast includes Jennifer Aniston, Ginnifer Goodwin, Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Johansson and Jennifer Connelly. And word on the street is that the two Jennifers did NOT get al...