Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Dane Cook Does Not Like His Movie Poster, Is Also a Raging Idiot

OMG. So here's a taste of what Dane Cook had to say on his MySpace blog about the poster for his upcoming film, My Best Friend's Girl: 1. Graphics: Whoever photoshopped our poster must have done so at taser point with 3 minutes to fulfill their hostage takers deranged obligations. They should have called Donnie Hoyle and had him give a tutorial using "You Suck at Photoshop" templates. This is so glossy it makes Entertainment Weekly look wooden. 2. My head: The left side of my face seems to be melt...

Who Are You and What Have You Done with Jena Malone?

The one-time ingenue hit up the premiere of Tropic Thunder be-mohawked and in combat boots, and holding hands with her Ruins co-star Laura Ramsey. We get it, Jena. You're hardcore. You spit in the face of authority. You totally march to the beat of your own drummer. Nobody tells you what to do. You are a free spirit. We know because of the combat boots and the mohawk. That's nice, dear. [gallery]...


Here's the video of a teenager in Ohio who decided to celebrate his birthday by taking a bath in the Burger King utility sink. The young man was a Burger King employee, but isn't anymore, as they totally canned his ass. Officials learned of the video after a tipster sent it to Greene County Health Commissioner Mark McDonnell. McDonnell said, "Any bacteria on his skin could have been deposited, giving people food poisoning." Ew, ew, ew. The worst part is, this is totally not anywhere near the worst thing a fast food employee has done to your food at some point in your life. /> Here's the video of a teenager in Ohio who decided to celebrate his birthday by taking a bath in the Burger King utility sink. The young man was a Burger King employee, but isn't anymore, as they totally canned his ass. Officials learned of the video after a tipster sent it to Greene County Health Commissioner Mark McDonnell. McDonnell said, "Any bacteria on his skin could have been deposited, giving people food poisoning." Ew, ew, ew. The worst part is, this is totally not anywhe...

James Franco Is Hot

Here's a little pick-me-up for those of you who are in crappy moods like I am: the James Franco photo spread from his new interview in GQ. HOTNESS. Now if we could only get a shot of him climbing out of the pool in a Speedo, Phelps-style. That's what I need today. James Franco pubic bones. That is what I need today. And Gawker made the inevitable is-James-Franco-the-new-Heath-Ledger call, and noted that their GQ covers look oddly similar: If you're one of those readery types, t...

China Kind of Sucks a Little Bit

We all know the Chinese are putting forth a huge effort to look good on the world stage during this Olympics ... but is it possible they're trying too hard? First of all, everyone seems to be in agreement that the Chinese gymnastics team is composed almost entirely of 12- and 13-year-olds with passports forged to make them appear 16. Shadiness. Then, earlier today came news that the adorable Chinese girl singing beautifully at the opening ceremony was actually lip-synching. The actual l...

Things That Are Annoying Me Today

I find I often feel better after I tell you guys why I'm in a bad mood, so I'm going to do that now. 1) Stupid Internet connection at the office is absurdly slow. 2) Still not smoking. Want cigarette. 3) Am on crazy diet to try to lose the one billion pounds I gained during the past three weeks while not smoking, because I feel absolutely disgusting and don't fit into any of my clothes. I'm currently wearing what are supposed to be my "fat jeans" and they're very tight. If I gain any more weight I will not have anything to wear. Crazy diet is nutritionist-approved, and basically consists of me eating only things that are the color green and taste like ass for the next two weeks. I can supplement the green stuff with protein shakes and lean meats. I can eat lots of the green stuff, but it doesn't matter. No matter how many fucking cucumbers you eat, you still feel hungry. Has anyone ever done a diet like this before? Does it get better after the first couple of days? Because right now I am HUNGRY and GRUMPY and I WANT A FUCKING SNICKERS BAR. 4) Leo is not at the office with me. :( He's over six months old now, so I'm trying to get in the habit of not bringing him with me everywhere I go, because right now we both have really bad separation anxiety when we're apart. So, in summary, these are things I would like right now but can't have: a fast Internet connection, a cigarette, a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a cheeseburger, and my dog. Please leave words of encouragement in the comments. Thank you. />I find I often feel better after I tell you guys why I'm in a bad mood, so I'm going to do that now. 1) Stupid Internet connection at the office is absurdly slow. 2) Still not smoking. Want cigarette. 3) Am on crazy diet to try to lose the one billion pounds I gained during the past three weeks while not smoking, because I feel absolutely disgusting and don't fit into any of my clothes. I'm currently wearing what are supposed to be my "fat jeans" and they're very tight. If I gain any more...

Nikki Blonsky’s Dad Is Out of Jail

For anyone who's still following this story, Nikki Blonsky's father has been released from a Turks and Caicos after his bail was lowered to $3000. I really grow less and less happy about this story as every day passes without video of the actual fight. I can't believe there weren't security cameras in that airport. This sort of bullshit never would have happened in the U.S. We would have had that tape within twelve hours. GO AMERICA!...

Britney’s Talking to OK! Magazine Again

Remember the last time Britney did an interview with OK! magazine? She was insanely high, her dog pooped on the floor, and she used a Chanel dress to clean it up. I'm sure OK! scheduled this new interview outdoors somewhere. Like at a highway rest stop. Where they know Britney will feel comfortable. Anyway. Britney and her pops talked to OK! in her first official interview in over a year. A source says Britney actually answered questions -- and dad/conservator Jamie spoke openly about...