Today's Evil Beet Gossip

There Could Be a Human Being Emerging from Luciana Barroso’s Vagina Right This Instant

Matt Damon's wife is currently at a Florida hospital preparing to give birth. Matt has been spotted pacing the halls in scrubs. The couple currently have a 2-year-old daughter together, and this baby is expected to be a girl, too. Good luck and congratulations to the happy parents! Update: The little girl, Gia Zavala, has been born and everyone is doing well! Congrats!...

Ricky Martin Has Mysterious Twin Boys

Uhhhh ... okay. Um, out of nowhere, we learn that Ricky Martin is the father of twin boys, to whom a surrogate gave birth. Nobody is talking about who this surrogate is, or who the mother is, or really what the fuck is going on here. You know Ricky called some overseas sex trade agency asking them to send over two young boys, and when they finally arrived, he was all like, "Shit, dude, I didn't mean that young. How the fuck am I going to explain this?" Says Ricky's rep: "The children, delivered via gestational surrogacy,...

Janet Jackson Launching New Line of Wardrobe Malfunction Jokes

Well, okay, technically, she's launching a new line of lingerie. But it can only result in hundreds of thousands of unfunny wardrobe malfunction-related jokes made by bloggers, fashionistas and reporters the world over. Bring it on, Janet. The line is called Pleasure Principle, and it's expected to hit stores in November. "People have come to me with other ideas, but lingerie is a passion for me, and just like music and acting, I can't do it unless I put 100 percent into it," Jackson said. Jackson's 14-design line of underpinnings, crafted mainly from satin and lace and heavy on feminine de...

New Miley and Mandy Video!

Did someone bring homemade brownies to the office today? Did you eat like five of them? Are you feeling really disgusting and guilty about it right now, but just can't bring yourself to go to the bathroom and put your finger down your throat? Good news! You don't have to induce your own vomit today. Miley Cyrus and BFF Mandy Jiroux are here to do it for you, with their new environmentally friendly YouTube video, instructing the youth of America all about how to go green. Green with nausea? Done and done! /> Did someone bring homemade brownies to the office today? Did you eat like five of them? Are you feeling really disgusting and guilty about it right now, but just can't bring yourself to go to the bathroom and put your finger down your throat? Good news! You don't have to induce your own vomit today. Miley Cyrus and BFF Mandy Jiroux are here to do it for you, with their new environmentally friendly YouTube video, instructing the youth of America all about how to go green. Green wit...

Jessica Simpson Wants a Little More Than a Bottle of Beer in That Mouth of Hers

Here's Jess in her very sexiest pose in this new ad for Stampede Beer. Jessica owns a 15% share in the company. But what's with this "Stampede Light, it's beer plus" thing? Grammatical incorrectness notwithstanding, what the fuck does that even mean? Beer plus what? Beer plus your cock in my mouth? Because that's about the only message I'm getting from this photo, Jess. ...

Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling: Back On!

Awwwww, this makes me so unbelievably happy! Rachel and Ryan are supposed to be together FOREVER! Didn't they see The Notebook? They are supposed to dote on one another throughout senility and failing health, realizing again and again that their love is a force of a thing that transcends the wicked confines of the human form and then they die peacefully in one another's arms and I bawl my eyes out. DUH. So I'm glad to hear that they seem to have reunited. ...

How Britney Got Her Body Back

Britney's on the cover of OK magazine this week, in a hot white bikini and running her mouth about her diet and exercise routine. And, yeah, there's obviously a lot of exercise going on here, but my guess is there's also a fair amount of liposuction involved. Anyway. In case you're the kind of person who still feels it's appropriate to take health tips from Britney Fucking Spears, here's the diet story Britney's sticking to: "My diet has a lot to do with my getting into shape. I have no suga...

Amy Winehouse Is Heading Back to Rehab

Amy has reportedly agreed to go to a rehab that is close to husband Blake's jail, so that she can get sober while making regular conjugal visits. Frankly, if I were her, I'd think of this as an opportunity to get sober near a constant reminder of what can happen if she doesn't clean her act up. She's going to the Focus 12 Clinic, which is only fifteen miles away from Blake's jail. Good luck with this, Amy!...

You Guys, I Made the Most Awesome Video Ever

I FINALLY had my camera near me when Leo and my cat Max got into one of their infamous battles. And, listen, I cropped out a LOT of the footage. I filmed them fighting for a full five minutes before Leo finally got bored and ran off. I just think this is the funniest shit ever. And you guys have been asking for new pics of Leo, so hopefully this tides you over. Also, mad mad mad props to Laremy at, who was able to correctly come up with the band and name of this song when I sent him a text that said only "What's the name of that Irish song from movies? That sounds angry?" Now that is someone who knows his shit. For anyone who cares, the band is Dropkick Murphys and the song is "Shipping up to Boston." I am amazingly proud of this video. I plan to submit it for Oscar consideration. I'm taking out a full-page ad in Variety later this year. That's how much faith I have in it. /> I FINALLY had my camera near me when Leo and my cat Max got into one of their infamous battles. And, listen, I cropped out a LOT of the footage. I filmed them fighting for a full five minutes before Leo finally got bored and ran off. I just think this is the funniest shit ever. And you guys have been asking for new pics of Leo, so hopefully this tides you over. Also, mad mad mad props to Laremy at, who was able to correctly come up with the band and name of this song when I sent hi...