Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Politicians Are Important, But Matt Damon Is Pretty

Here's Matt Damon's face, along with the voices of Michelle Obama, Cindy McCain and Mayor Bloomberg, among others, in a new TV campaign that'll start running nationally next week. Thoughts? /> Here's Matt Damon's face, along with the voices of Michelle Obama, Cindy McCain and Mayor Bloomberg, among others, in a new TV campaign that'll start running nationally next week. Thoughts?...

Investigating the Chinese Gymnasts — FINALLY!

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) confirmed today that it has asked the International Gymnastics Federation to investigate the Chinese gymnastics underage fiasco, following new evidence that at least two gymnasts competed under the legal age in the Olympics. A hacker by the handle of "stryde.hax" (every time I read that I think to myself "Does he use Stridex?") tracked down some evidence of the real birthdates of He Kexin and Yang Yilin that shows that they are actually 14 years old. B...

Blind Item!

Which two perky Olympian teammates are really bitter rivals? One spiked the other's protein shake with laxatives before a big competition, but her plan backfired when her nemesis not only powered through the competition but beat her so-called friend anyway.
I think we all know who this refers to ... but could it be true??? [source] />...


Remember this photo from earlier in the week? This is how Tuesday night started for Courtenay Semel -- but it's not how it ended. It ended with Courtenay TRASHED and IN JAIL. COURTENAY Semel, the wild-child lesbian daughter of former Yahoo chief Terry Semel, went on a tear Tuesday night in Las Vegas and ended up spending the night in jail. Semel showed up in the party town without new girlfriend Tila Tequila and started the night at Sushi Samba in the Palazzo with Kourtney Kardashian. "They...

Danielle Fishel: Lance Bass and I Never Had Sex

As I mentioned earlier, I had the chance to chat last week with Danielle Fishel (aka Topanga Lawrence!), who's promoting her new show The Dish on the Style network, which premieres this Saturday. The full interview is now up on (read it here), but here are some excerpts: Katie Holmes has recently been photographed wearing those peg-and-roll jeans, and the LA Times did a piece on how that look is coming back. What's your take on that? DF: Awful. Absolutely awful. How do w...

Verne Troyer’s Shooting a New Reality Show

When your angry ex-girlfriend causes a minor media frenzy in her attempts to release a sex tape featuring you and your not-so-Michael-Phelps penis, there's really only one way to save your dignity: capitalize on the attention by filming a reality series about your life. This is exactly what Verne Troyer has done. Tiny Hollywood star Verne Troyer is to star in his own reality TV show. The Austin Powers actor, 39, has already begun shooting the series, and is hoping to attract interest f...

Supporting the Kiddo!

You guys, something wonderful has happened in the past few hours. I left the office around three feeling grumpy and annoyed with the world. I was just in one of those little funks where, despite the fact that my life is essentially perfect, I'm still like "I never get what I want, nothing is fair, why do I even try, I'm so over everything." I just wanted to throw a temper tantrum and hit people in the face. Then I did a half hour on the elliptical machine at the gym, staring out the window...

Katie Holmes Jeans Watch

Katie Holmes is wearing normal jeans today as she leaves rehearsals for All My Sons. But Katie still got the last laugh. You see, she and co-star John Lithgow devised a plan. Katie was like, "Here's the deal. I'll wear something completely normal when I leave rehearsals today. However, you'll leave immediately after me, so the paparazzi get you too, and you'll be wearing something ridiculous, and that'll blow their minds." And John Lithgow thought about it, and then said, "Well, the pro...

Everything Is Really Boring Right Now

Guess who's having her third child? Angie Harmon! With Jason Sehorn! Who, by the way, I ran into in a parking garage in Beverly Hills once years ago, and we all three arrived at the valet station at the same time, and they were like "You go first" and based on that experience I am certain that they both love me very much. However, this is still boring. Also, Tom Arnold does a lot of cocaine. Wait, what? That's not news, you say? Oh, okay, well how about this: His third divorce was finalized...