In my absence, I suggest you guys read through a valuable new blog on the Internet:
What to Expect When You're Aborting, where a 23-year-old is currently blogging her abortion process with honesty and a sense of humor.
The tagline:
"I'm 23. I'm knocked up. And I don't want to keep it. You can fuck yourself, Judd Apatow."
Whatever your view on abortion, it's an interesting read, and I plan to keep tabs on this young woman.
Jezebel] />In my absence, I suggest you guys read through a valuable new blog on the Internet: What to Expect When You're Aborting, where a 23-year-old is currently blogging her abortion process with honesty and a sense of humor.
The tagline:
"I'm 23. I'm knocked up. And I don't want to keep it. You can fuck yourself, Judd Apatow."
Whatever your view on abortion, it's an interesting read, and I plan to keep tabs on this young woman.
[via Jezebel]...