Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Hadn’t Realized How Much I Missed Lindsay Lohan’s Tits

Maybe it's because I haven't gotten laid in forever. Or maybe because it's been a long, stressful string of days. Or maybe it's just because Lindsay Lohan's breasts are magical things, but I saw this picture just now and I was like, "Damn, I would totally get with that." It's been a long time since we've had a good shot of Lindsay's ginormous, braless boobies, and it's a nice pick-me-up toward the end of the week. Thanks, Linds....


"This is actually the first summer where I didn't just lounge around in St. Tropez or a private beach somewhere ... because it's been non- stop work ... When I was little I loved playing with dolls. Now that I'm grown up, this show concept has given me my own real live dollhouse by having the BFF contestants. Imagine all the trouble and fun I could cause all at once just with a text on my blackberry, from me to them." Paris Hilton, in a new MySpace blog, discussing how much she enjoyed tapin...

Yes, I Am Aware That Michael Phelps Is Rumored to Be Dating Some Australian Ho-Bag

So I come back from my delicious (expensed!) business lunch -- and a doctor's appointment where they were running late, so that's what took so long -- to find like 8000 emails from you guys alerting me that Michael Phelps was seen making out with Australian swimmer Stephanie Rice, which is twice as many emails as I got from you guys yesterday with that information. And I love love LOVE when you guys send me tips -- don't stop! -- but can we all please understand that I am intentionally ignor...

I’m Headed Off to a Business Lunch

In my absence, I suggest you guys read through a valuable new blog on the Internet: What to Expect When You're Aborting, where a 23-year-old is currently blogging her abortion process with honesty and a sense of humor. The tagline: "I'm 23. I'm knocked up. And I don't want to keep it. You can fuck yourself, Judd Apatow." Whatever your view on abortion, it's an interesting read, and I plan to keep tabs on this young woman. [via Jezebel] />In my absence, I suggest you guys read through a valuable new blog on the Internet: What to Expect When You're Aborting, where a 23-year-old is currently blogging her abortion process with honesty and a sense of humor. The tagline: "I'm 23. I'm knocked up. And I don't want to keep it. You can fuck yourself, Judd Apatow." Whatever your view on abortion, it's an interesting read, and I plan to keep tabs on this young woman. [via Jezebel]...


“People think Chace is gay, and thought I was gay, that we were humping. It’s not true, but hilarious. People project their fantasies onto people. I’ve never been someone who makes it my objective to go out and pick up chicks. But I’ve met some fantastic ladies here. You know those amazing conversations where you find yourself in a café talking until 2 a.m. and never see them again.” Ed Westwick in an interview with Page Six magazine. So there you ...

Pink: “So What” Video

This is my first time hearing this song, let alone seeing the video, and I have to say that I absolutely love it. Sometimes I forget that, despite the fact that sometimes I feel like she takes the whole "badass" images a little overboard, Pink kind of rocks at writing music. It's honest and it's raw and it's painful and it's funny, and you just don't see that very often on the pop music scene. /> This is my first time hearing this song, let alone seeing the video, and I have to say that I absolutely love it. Sometimes I forget that, despite the fact that sometimes I feel like she takes the whole "badass" images a little overboard, Pink kind of rocks at writing music. It's honest and it's raw and it's painful and it's funny, and you just don't see that very often on the pop music scene. ...

Okay Okay I’m Awake Now

Ha ha, you guys, I decided at like 1 am last night to try to secure my wireless network. I like to keep it unsecured, just to repay the universe for all the Internet connections I've stolen over the course of my lifetime, but strange things were happening with it and I decided it was best if I secured it. So I secured it with a WAP key, not knowing that the actual key I gave it was not going to be my password, because there's some strange formula that converts it to a hexadecimal code and THAT'S your password, etc, etc, etc. Long story short: I locked myself out of my own Internet connection and was up until 4 am trying to figure out how to get back in. I crack myself up. So I just woke up to learn that absolutely nothing is going on today. So I'm going to try to find some fun pictures for you guys. />Ha ha, you guys, I decided at like 1 am last night to try to secure my wireless network. I like to keep it unsecured, just to repay the universe for all the Internet connections I've stolen over the course of my lifetime, but strange things were happening with it and I decided it was best if I secured it. So I secured it with a WAP key, not knowing that the actual key I gave it was not going to be my password, because there's some strange formula that converts it to a hexadecimal code and THAT'S...

Paris Hilton Solemnly Vows to Let No Head of Hair Go Unextended

Hey, remember how, after Paris Hilton got out of jail, she was all like "I will dedicate the rest of my life to helping those less fortunate than me" and we were all kind of hoping she'd, ya know, make generous donations to inner-city schools or fund an AIDS research clinic or start a food bank? Well, she did none of those things. She did something better. Paris knows that not everybody can spend thousands of dollars on ultra-pricey hair extensions like her own, so she's dedicated her...