Uh, so The CW has posted a few clips of the girls from the upcoming "cycle" of America's Next Top Model. Of course, the one who'll be getting the most attention at the start is Ms. Isis, who's single-handedly taking the "menstrual" out of the "cycle" this time around. She's transgendered. Her clip is above.
In general, though, the girls this season really seem to have been fished out of the shallow end of the gene pool. There's not a one of them who doesn't come off sounding at least mildly disabled in her interview. And there's no plus-size contestant this cycle. In fact, I'd be surprised if any of these girls gets a regular period, considering their body-fat level. It's like the producers were like, "Look, okay, we'll stick a she-male in there, but, in exchange, all the rest of the girls get to promote unrealistic body images. Fair?"
After the jump, meet Sheena, Clark, McKey and Lauren.
Uh, so The CW has posted a few clips of the girls from the upcoming "cycle" of America's Next Top Model. Of course, the one who'll be getting the most attention at the start is Ms. Isis, who's single-handedly taking the "menstrual" out of the "cycle" this time around. She's transgendered. Her clip is above.
In general, though, the girls this season really seem to have been fished out of the shallow end of the gene pool. There's not a one of them who doesn't come off sounding at least mil...