Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Be Still My Heart!!!

Check out my sex kitten Hugh Laurie performing "Such a Night" at a Netflix concert this week. Oh, Dr. House. You can use your tool to perform invasive explorations of my body any day, baby. /> Check out my sex kitten Hugh Laurie performing "Such a Night" at a Netflix concert this week. Oh, Dr. House. You can use your tool to perform invasive explorations of my body any day, baby. ...

Check Out My Baby Bump, Denise

Brooke Mueller (aka Mrs. Sheen) shows off her growing belly at her first public appearance since news of her pregnancy hit the interwebs. She and Charlie attended the grand opening of Yellowtail Sushi Restaurant & Bar At Bellagio in Vegas. Also there: Paris Hilton, Michelle Rodriquez, Shar Jackson, Wilmer Valderrama and that stupid bitch Janelle from Sunset Tan. But I'm not posting any pictures of Janelle because I refuse to play any role in making that self-obsessed, worthless little who...

A New Boy Toy?

There have been rumors for several months now, but I think Lance Bass has made it official by dragging hottie (married!) trainer Sebastian Leal to Puerto Rico with him for the grand opening of Brother Jimmy’s BBQ in San Juan. Looks like Lance has a new lover boy. Granted, Sebastian's been separated from his wife, Jessica Gannon, for years now (and it may well have been a green card marriage, since he was born in Brazil), but still. Scandalicious!!! [gallery]...

Why Does Anybody Hire Amy Winehouse to Do Anything?

For the second year in a row, Amy Winehouse has pulled out of her performance at the Rock en Seine Festival outside of Paris. "Amy Winehouse was regrettably unable to perform at the Rock en Seine show in Paris, due to illness," her spokesman Chris Goodman said. "She was taken ill at her house and wasn't able to travel to France for the concert." The concert organizers were given two hours' notice that their headliner was not going to be showing up. OMG. Why does anybody book this...

Fun with YouTube: Katy Perry, “Waking Up in Vegas”

So Katy Perry's pretty much been the princess of this summer's music scene with her ginormous hit, "I Kissed a Girl." I finally got around to listening to her entire album on Rhapsody, and came across this song, and I was like, "Dude, how do I know this awesome song?" And then it hit me: it was my MySpace song like three years ago. I have no idea where or how I came across it, but I'd instantly fallen in love. Has this song been around for that long? Where would I have heard it? Do I need to start telling people that I was into Katy Perry before anyone else? Am I that cool? /> So Katy Perry's pretty much been the princess of this summer's music scene with her ginormous hit, "I Kissed a Girl." I finally got around to listening to her entire album on Rhapsody, and came across this song, and I was like, "Dude, how do I know this awesome song?" And then it hit me: it was my MySpace song like three years ago. I have no idea where or how I came across it, but I'd instantly fallen in love. Has this song been around for that long? Where would I have heard it? Do I need...

OMG, Michael Lohan Is the Lowest Form of Human Life

Hi guys! I'm back from vacay! Which was wonderful! But you know how awful it is when you get the most relaxing massage ever and then get in your car to head home and hit terrible traffic? And you're like "Fuckin' a, this shit just un-did all my relaxation?" Michael Lohan is my traffic jam. What kind of parasitic slime uses the death of his own father to diss his ex-wife, lie about his daughter and satiate his sick need for fame? Oh, yes. Michael Lohan. So Michael's father (Lindsa...

A Note from Management

Hey kiddos. I'm peacing out for the next couple of days to, ya know, actually go on the kind of vacation where I'm not checking in on my blog every four hours. I may be around here and there, but, in general, I'm leaving you in the very capable hands of Spiteful Lars, and, if we're lucky, maybe even Evil T will swing by for old time's sake. I'll be back by the weekend. Smooches! />...

Selena Gomez: “Tell Me Something I Don’t Know” Video

Here's the very first music video from Disney up-and-comer/Miley Cyrus nemesis Selena Gomez. What's the verdict, kids? Does this girl have what it takes to be the next Miley Cyrus? Maybe she needs to leak a few sexy pics before we can really make that decision. TEAM MILEY! /> Here's the very first music video from Disney up-and-comer/Miley Cyrus nemesis Selena Gomez. What's the verdict, kids? Does this girl have what it takes to be the next Miley Cyrus? Maybe she needs to leak a few sexy pics before we can really make that decision. TEAM MILEY!...