Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Mommy Time!

Here's Christina Aguilera and son Max -- with hubby Jordan Bratman not far behind -- leaving their hotel in New York City. I love how Christina's sweatshirt matches Max's baby one-piece. You know, Christina, wearing sweats and holding your baby, with your hair back and simple lipstick, you look a whole hell of a lot hotter than you do here. You know, where you look like a crackwhore. I'm just saying. Also, looking at Max's little one-piece made me remember that someone told me a long t...

A New Ghostbusters Flick???

According to Variety, Columbia Pictures is looking to do another installment of the Ghostbusters franchise. The scripts is already in the process of being written, and they're hoping to bring back all the original Ghostbusters: Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson. But, as Variety points out, the reason the third installment didn't get made in the early '90s was that the original cast members were demanding too much money for the flick to be profitable for the studio, and that's likely to be a problem this time around as well. Still, though. Ghostbusters was an integral part of my childhood, and part of me thinks it would be really cool to see a follow-up -- especially after so much time has passed. Ghostbusters in the 21st century could be so, so awesome. But then a part of me would be really pissed if they fucked it up. Sort of related: Did you guys hear they're remaking Short Circuit? My Lord how I loved that film. If someone can just do *batteries not included again, I could die happy. /> According to Variety, Columbia Pictures is looking to do another installment of the Ghostbusters franchise. The scripts is already in the process of being written, and they're hoping to bring back all the original Ghostbusters: Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson. But, as Variety points out, the reason the third installment didn't get made in the early '90s was that the original cast members were demanding too much money for the flick to be profitable for the studio...

Ashton Kutcher’s Ex-Girlfriend Was Murdered???

This is a story I clearly missed the first time around. A former girlfriend of Ashton Kutcher, 22-year-old Ashley Ellerin, was found murdered in her Hollywood Hills apartment in 2001. Police arrested an air-conditioning repairman, 32-year-old Michael Thomas Gargiulo, for the murder -- he is also accused of murdering another woman and attacking a third -- and he plead not guilty on Thursday. In all three cases, Gargiulo lived near the victims, and the women were stabbed in their homes, polic...


Hey, remember when I said that I thought maybe Tila Tequila's relationship with Courtenay Semel was total bullshit because the two of them are never photographed together anywhere other than a red carpet? Well, that was before I came across these TOTALLY UNSTAGED photos of Tila and Courtenay at a Hollywood hotel pool from a couple of weeks ago. CANDID, I tell you! These are CANDID! Tila and Courtenay are like the lesbian Heidi and Spencer. We need a nickname for them. Suggest...

Justice for Dunst!

The drug addict who burglarized Kirsten Dunst's NYC pad has been sentenced to 4 1/2 years behind bars, plus he has to go to rehab. Jarrod Beinerman was arrested on burglary and larceny charges after a security camera captured his movements in Manhattan's SoHo Grand Hotel in August 2007. He was allowed to plead guilty to the lesser charge of attempted burglary. Police say cash, cameras, an iPod, wallets and purses were stolen from Dunst's suite. Ya know, I've heard a lot of excuses in...

Smackin’ That

Oh look, guys! It's Akon, punching some chick in the face at one of his concerts. This young man is so lovely. Maybe it's time for the "Smack That" singer to do himself a Prodigy cover. /> Oh look, guys! It's Akon, punching some chick in the face at one of his concerts. This young man is so lovely. Maybe it's time for the "Smack That" singer to do himself a Prodigy cover. ...

Michael Moore to Release His Next Film Online, for Free

Love him or hate him, Michael Moore is going to be everywhere as this election gets closer. Inspired by Neil Young and Radiohead, Michael Moore will release his new film online and for free. The film, "Slacker Uprising," follows Moore's 62-city tour during the 2004 election to rally young voters. It will be available for three weeks as a free download to North American residents, beginning Sept. 23. An official announcement of the film is planned for Friday. Moore said he considered r...

Here’s One Way to Get Publicity for Your Movie

This was kind of a win/win situation for the producers of Zack and Miri Make a Porno. Scenario 1: The MPAA approves this promo poster, and everybody writes about it. Scenario 2: The MPAA does not approve this promo poster, and everybody writes about it. "When you've got the word 'porno' in the title, naturally, the marketing materials are gonna be scrutinized more closely by the MPAA," says the director, Kevin Smith. "I understand they've got a job to do, but c'mon...this image isn't tha...