Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Almost a Nip Slip!

Jennifer Aniston chose an unfortunate fabric to wear to the premiere of Management at the Toronto Film Festival on Sunday, and you can see her little nipple covering in a bunch of the red carpet photos. Here's my line of thinking: this thing obviously isn't there to prevent the nipple from showing up in photos, or they would have made the damn thing black, right? And it's not there to provide lifting or separating for her tits, because it's totally not doing that, right? So it must be the...


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! BRILLIANT! This is the kind of genius I wish I possessed. I don't care who you're voting for -- this shit is funny. If you want to see just the video showing on the bluescreen without the RNC stuff, it's after the jump. Read More /> Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! BRILLIANT! This is the kind of genius I wish I possessed. I don't care who you're voting for -- this shit is funny. If you want to see just the video showing on the bluescreen without the RNC stuff, it's after the jump. Read More...

What’d We Think of the VMAs, Kids?

She may not have performed, but The Britney Spears Comeback officially started tonight, at the VMAs. Collecting all three of the awards for which she was nominated and appearing calm, poised, gracious and sober on-stage, it was the Britney we all used to know and love. Some more thoughts as I was watching: So I thought the bit at the beginning with Britney and Jonah Hill was actually really cute. Mostly because Jonah Hill is awesome, also because he called her "Brit-Brit," and lastly be...

Jessica Simpson Makes Grand Ole Opry Debut

Here's Jessica making her first appearance at the country music institution. While her performance was mediocre at best (why do they keep panning to the back-up singers?), even the old-fashioned audience members realized that her outfit was abhorrent ... but they had different reasons for thinking that than I did.
Audience members, it seemed, couldn't believe her costume choice. "I think she should have put some clothes on," one viewer said. While another one responded to how she liked Simpson's performance with: "I loved that new girl, Crystal [Shawanda] – and she was dressed appropriately."
I think Jess looks like a bobble-head doll throughout this whole performance. Like a bobble-head doll from 1984. This is all very sad, Jessica. /> Here's Jessica making her first appearance at the country music institution. While her performance was mediocre at best (why do they keep panning to the back-up singers?), even the old-fashioned audience members realized that her outfit was abhorrent ... but they had different reasons for thinking that than I did. Audience members, it seemed, couldn't believe her costume choice. "I think she should have put some clothes on," one viewer said. While another one responded to how she lik...

Hot Mama!

Dara Torres, the 41-year-old silver medalist in Beijing, had the opportunity to walk in the Charles Nolan show at NY fashion week on Sunday ... along with her two-year-old daughter. Talk about superwoman! Dude, I would totally kill a homeless man for those legs. And I'm like half her age. I hope my trainer is reading this. Are you reading this, Kristen? This is what I want my legs to look like. Also, I would prefer not to have to work very hard to make them look that way. Can you do that p...