Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Oscar-Winner Anne Hathaway?

Anne Hathaway takes off the tiara for this dramatic turn in Jonathan Demme's Rachel Getting Married, which has already begun generating Oscar buzz for the actress. Here's the trailer for the film. What do you think? Will you see this movie? Does it seem like she pulls off the role? /> Anne Hathaway takes off the tiara for this dramatic turn in Jonathan Demme's Rachel Getting Married, which has already begun generating Oscar buzz for the actress. Here's the trailer for the film. What do you think? Will you see this movie? Does it seem like she pulls off the role? ...

Your Daily Lohan

Here's Lindsay filming Ugly Betty in Central Park. Apparently inviting photogs to constantly shoot her on the job was the image-reform idea of her new manager, Jeni Muro, who seems to be working wonders for this young woman who is, by anyone's measure, back on the rise. We see photos of Lindsay doing work now way more often than we see her leaving the clubs. Amazing! Ha, maybe all Lindsay really needed was to give Mama Dina the boot as manager. She should wear a sign that says "Lindsay L...

Get Registered!

Heya kiddos! You may or may not have heard something about this "Presidential election" we're having here in the good ol' US of A pretty soon now -- November 4, to be exact. It's kind of a big deal. Anyway, I'd just like to take this opportunity to issue a friendly reminder that leaving scathing comments on gossip blogs will not actually effect a change in national leadership. You have to vote. And, in order to vote, you have to be registered to vote. Note that the deadline to regi...

Matt Damon on Palin: “It’s Like a Really Bad Disney Movie”

Once again, I don't care who you're voting for, you gotta watch this interview with Matt Damon, where he makes the point that, well, he's done the actuary tables (really?) and determined that John McCain has a one in three chance of kicking the bucket at some point during the next four years. This will put, as he so eloquently phrases it, a hockey mom from Alaska "facing down Vladimir Putin ... using the folksy stuff she learned at the hockey rink." He also said that he doesn't "understand why more people aren't talking about how absurd it is." Uh, Matt? Are you living in this country right now? We don't really talk about much besides Sarah Palin these days. I have some campaign suggestions for Barack Obama. If you want to take some of the steam out of the McCain engine, stop wasting your breath trying to discredit the woman politically and just give Lindsay Lohan an eight-ball. Sit Nicole Richie down for a few shots of tequila and make sure she has the keys to her car. Get Mary-Kate Olsen some quality time with Benji Madden. Steal all of Britney Spears' underwear. For Christsake, give us anything else to talk about right now. /> Once again, I don't care who you're voting for, you gotta watch this interview with Matt Damon, where he makes the point that, well, he's done the actuary tables (really?) and determined that John McCain has a one in three chance of kicking the bucket at some point during the next four years. This will put, as he so eloquently phrases it, a hockey mom from Alaska "facing down Vladimir Putin ... using the folksy stuff she learned at the hockey rink." He also said that he doesn't "understa...

Britney Spears Hasn’t Read Her Mom’s Tell-All Yet

Lynne Spears' literary tour de force, Through the Storm: A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World, hits bookshelves next week, but there's one important person who hasn't read it: Britney Spears. She says Britney and Bryan have yet to read it, but "Jamie Lynn loved the book. I started to cry because I told her, 'I wanted so much for you to like it.' And she got up and kissed me on the cheek and said, 'Mama, thank you so much.'" Oh, come on. We all know they were both crying because ...

You DIDN’T Watch!!!!

90210 didn't have such a good second inning. The second episode of the series drew just 3.3 million viewers — down a gigantic 30 percent from its 4.7 million debut. That's a HUGE drop. Meanwhile, Gossip Girl was down 7% in viewers from its premiere last Monday, with 3.158 million viewers. So 90210's still seeing a few more viewers that GG -- but can they hold onto them? Did you watch the second episode??? Will you tune in for the third???...

Anne Hathaway’s Ex-Boyfriend Finally Reached His Ass-Raping Breaking Point

There's this wonderful thing about spoiled rich-boy criminals: every now and then, it's pointed out to them that sometimes the consequences of their actions suck. Or, ya know, penetrate. Raffaello Follieri seems to have found out the -- ahem -- hard way that prison is no fun, as he pleaded guilty to fourteen counts of con-artistry in at Manhattan Federal court today. He then begged the judge to transfer him out of his holding cell, citing "unspecified inmate issues." Meanwhile, W magazi...

Samantha Ronson and Lindsay Lohan to Wed?

Posting has been slow this morning because I have been doing the following things: 1) Cleaning my apartment 2) Working out at the gym 3) Reading through emails from you guys linking me to this story. Mostly #3. I love that you guys are as passionate about this relationship as I am. The UK's Daily Sun is reporting that Samantha Ronson, at a DJ gig last night at the Chateau Marmont, told partiers that she plans to marry Lindsay Lohan soon. "By the end of this year, my love wi...

Lucky Dog!

Mark Ronson's girlfriend, model Daisy Lowe, brought a dog to sit front row with her at the Matthew Williamson show at New York Fashion Week. Oh, and she brought an adorable little Havanese puppy, too. Ba-dum-bum-ching! I had to, you guys. I had no choice in the matter. You don't get set up like that every day, ya know. In fact, I can't believe that Kelly Osbourne didn't see it coming. If I were her, I would have been like, "Look, Daisy, you can bring that dog in here if you want, but I'...