Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Second in Command

Defamer has an interesting piece today about how Oscar-winner, box-office champ Reese Witherspoon somehow manages to be billed second to B-lister Vince Vaughn in their upcoming flick. Is it simply that studios are too terrified to give a woman first billing over a male star, lest people then think the film to be a chick flick? After all, Vaughn's last hit was The Break-Up, the rare romantic comedy with strong male appeal, something that marketing folks might have felt was in jeopardy had c...

Kanye West Smackdown: The Video

Here's the video of Kanye smashing some photog's camera at LAX while the photographer calls for police assistance. "Ain't no police, man!" yells Kanye. Um, he was wrong. The police arrested him shortly after, and he's currently in jail pending $20K bail. Who the fuck says "Ain't no police, man" at LAX??? I mean, have you been to LAX any time in the past, oh, exactly seven years? The cops practically outnumber the passengers. WTF was Kanye thinking?? I can't wait to read his blog about this shit. /> Here's the video of Kanye smashing some photog's camera at LAX while the photographer calls for police assistance. "Ain't no police, man!" yells Kanye. Um, he was wrong. The police arrested him shortly after, and he's currently in jail pending $20K bail. Who the fuck says "Ain't no police, man" at LAX??? I mean, have you been to LAX any time in the past, oh, exactly seven years? The cops practically outnumber the passengers. WTF was Kanye thinking?? I can't wait to read his blog about ...

Lauren Conrad Has a Book Deal and You Don’t

Sigh. LC just landed a three-book deal with HarperCollins to pen a young adult fiction series called LA Candy. The series tells "the behind-the scenes story of a young girl who moves to L.A. and unexpectedly becomes the star of a reality television show," according to a press release. "The character soon realizes that "everyone wants something from her, and nothing is what it appears to be," the release states. And of course now Lauren's being all like "I care about books!" She says: “I’...

New Miley & Mandy Video!!!

Okay I really need to stop getting so excited about these. But this one's actually not so bad because she's interviewing her little sister, who is adorable. Billy Ray sings, too. /> Okay I really need to stop getting so excited about these. But this one's actually not so bad because she's interviewing her little sister, who is adorable. Billy Ray sings, too. ...

Leather Mini!

Ooh, Lindsay, work it, girl! La Lohan hit up a Stand Up for the Cure event in NYC. It doesn't look like Samantha was there ... but Dina was. Ick. I like Samantha WAY better than Dina as a date for Lindsers. Also there: Jessica Szohr, Aubrey O'Day, Bethenny Frankel, and Julianna Margulies and her ridiculously hot, young lawyer husband. I want to perform open-pants surgery on him. [gallery]...

She’s Two! She’s Two!

So, yeah, it's September 11. And I went back and forth about whether to say something about it on here or let it go or what. And I wasn't going to touch on it, but then I came across this shot of Dannielynn Birkhead on the cover of Us magazine -- she just turned two -- and it reminded me of what I wrote on September 11 of the first year I had this blog. I'll reprint it: I hate September 11. I didn’t sleep well last night, tossing and turning and waking every hour to allow angry t...

Gentlemen, Break Out the Vaseline

Hey, she brought the rubber! This is Jessica Alba's new ad for Declare Yourself, an organization that encourages young people to vote. "I think it is important for young people to be aware of the need we have in this country to get them more active politically," she says. "People respond to things that are shocking." Oh, Jess, I know we all have our fantasies of what we'd do with you bound and gagged. Me, personally? I just want to put in a DVD of Honey and make you watch it all the way thro...

The Dark Knight’s Coming Back to Theaters

Perhaps they're not happy with being the second-highest grossing film in U.S. history? (The flick's still $78M short of Titanic.) Or, more likely, they want to remind Oscar voters how damn great the film is before they submit their ballots. Whatever the reason, Warner Bros. is going to re-release the film in theaters in January 2009. "It's just a matter of bringing it back as a reminder for people," a studio insider said. Do you think the re-release will draw an audience? The film ...