Please be sure to read it.
Has it been your experiences that other bloggers will ban you/delete your comments because you disagree with them?
Because seriously if I have one more person leave a comment like "What's the matter, Beet? Couldn't handle my brilliant argument that disagrees with you? When I said you were dropped on your head as a child? Was that logic just too elegant for you to handle??" when, in truth, I'm in the car and so I haven't even seen your comment yet, much less had a chance to approve it -- which I WILL do, and then you will feel exceedingly stupid -- I'm going to reach through the Internet and strangle anything I can get my hands on, which will likely be some manner of fiber optic network.
I am going to start banning people JUST BECAUSE they've falsely accused me of censoring them.
Read the guidelines, please. />Please be sure to read it.
Has it been your experiences that other bloggers will ban you/delete your comments because you disagree with them?
Because seriously if I have one more person leave a comment like "What's the matter, Beet? Couldn't handle my brilliant argument that disagrees with you? When I said you were dropped on your head as a child? Was that logic just too elegant for you to handle??" when, in truth, I'm in the car and so I haven't even seen your comment yet, much less had a cha...
I'm so excited, you guys, I'm heading off this weekend to the Oregon coast with some girlfriends. We're driving down tonight and we're going to spend the weekend horseback riding, kayaking and just enjoying the beach while the weather is gorgeous here in the Pacific Northwest.
I'll be checking in periodically, like I always do, but for now I'm outtie!
Beet />...
Here's the just-released vid for Taylor's latest song. It's another hit, easily.
I'm totally digging this. In fact, I gotta admit, I tend to love everything this chick does.
Except for staying sober and out of trouble. I'm definitely not digging that. You're an immensely talented and beautiful young woman, Taylor. Now we just need you to be interesting. />
Here's the just-released vid for Taylor's latest song. It's another hit, easily.
I'm totally digging this. In fact, I gotta admit, I tend to love everything this chick does.
Except for staying sober and out of trouble. I'm definitely not digging that. You're an immensely talented and beautiful young woman, Taylor. Now we just need you to be interesting. ...