Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Miley Cyrus to Star in Non-Hannah Montana Movie

It looks like Miley Cyrus will be signing on to do a new Disney film -- and she won't be singing or dancing! The Hannah Montana star, 15, is set to star in an untitled Disney film based on an upcoming novel by author Nicholas Sparks, Variety reports. The idea for the film came out of a meeting where Cyrus used Moore's A Walk to Remember – a film adaptation of Sparks' 1999 novel – as a model of the type of project she hoped to work on next. Sparks is writing the book and the screenplay simultaneously. Cyrus's mother, Tish, wil...

CONTEST: New HBO Show, “Life and Times of Tim”

Okay, guys, this is a fun contest with some awesome prizes. We're helping HBO get the word out about their new show, The Life and Times of Tim, an animated show about a dude who always seems to end up in awkward situations. For a sense of what I'm talking about, click here and here to watch clips or click here for the show's website. It's kind of got a South Park feel to it, it seems like, but with adults. Now here are the super-killer prize packages: Grand Prize Winner: Curb Your E...

It’s That Time of Year Again!

We're coming up on a Presidential election, and gossip has been moving at the pace of the 405 at rush hour, so the only logical course of action is to point out that, on occasion, starlets develop anorexia. SERIOUSLY????? HOLY SHIT!!! The folks at Us Weekly seem to have noticed that some of the female members of the 90210 cast are anorexic. Guess what? I noticed that shit a LONG TIME AGO. From Us Weekly: "They want the girls to gain weight," a show source tells Us. "They are trying too hard to be skinny, and it's started to wear on them. It's just not healthy." See ph...


"When you say teenage, how old are we talking?" Total creepazoid R. Kelly, in a recent interview with B.E.T. about his alleged sexual interaction with underage girls. The interviewer asks "Do you like teenage girls?" this is what the 41-year-old responded. OMG. Up next for Mr. Kelly, a self-help book titled "How to Fuck Up Any Opportunity to Change Your Public Image as a Disgusting Pedophile." Jesus Christ, dude, for future reference, the answer there is, "No, I've got no interes...

I Can’t Watch

Here's Lynne Spears on The Today Show yapping about her kids and her new book. I'd tell you what happened but honestly you guys I can't get more than 30 seconds into either of them. It just hurts too bad. But thankfully Yahoo news has informed me that Lynne did say, at one point, that Jamie-Lynn informed her of her pregnancy via a handwritten note. Heh, I would have written the note on the back of a box of condoms, just for that extra oomph. /> Here's Lynne Spears on The Today Show yapping about her kids and her new book. I'd tell you what happened but honestly you guys I can't get more than 30 seconds into either of them. It just hurts too bad. But thankfully Yahoo news has informed me that Lynne did say, at one point, that Jamie-Lynn informed her of her pregnancy via a handwritten note. Heh, I would have written the note on the back of a box of condoms, just for that extra oomph. ...

Fun with YouTube: Kevin Rudolf, “Let It Rock”

Okay, so this isn't technically YouTube, but I get like 8000 emails from PR people each day plugging their Z-list singer and trying to find some celebrity tie-in, and this one kind of caught my eye. The PR guy was like, "Hey, Lindsay Lohan loves this song, she blogged about it!" And she did. So, out of sheer curiosity, I had to listen to the song, and I recognized it as this song I've been hearing on the radio every now and then and totally loving. So I thought I'd do the guy a solid (ha ha! I haven't said that in FOREVER!) and run it on here, because I actually do really like the song. Here's Kevin Rudolf with "Let it Rock." /> Okay, so this isn't technically YouTube, but I get like 8000 emails from PR people each day plugging their Z-list singer and trying to find some celebrity tie-in, and this one kind of caught my eye. The PR guy was like, "Hey, Lindsay Lohan loves this song, she blogged about it!" And she did. So, out of sheer curiosity, I had to listen to the song, and I recognized it as this song I've been hearing on the radio every now and then and totally loving. So I thought I'd do the guy a solid (ha ha! I h...

Is This a New Britney Spears Track??

This little ditty has been making the Internet rounds lately -- titled "Candy from Strangers," it's supposedly a leaked track off of Brit's upcoming album, "Circus." It certainly sounds like Miz Spears. But if it IS a leaked track, why hasn't her label made YouTube pull it yet? Are they enjoying the buzz? Curiouser and curiouser ... /> This little ditty has been making the Internet rounds lately -- titled "Candy from Strangers," it's supposedly a leaked track off of Brit's upcoming album, "Circus." It certainly sounds like Miz Spears. But if it IS a leaked track, why hasn't her label made YouTube pull it yet? Are they enjoying the buzz? Curiouser and curiouser ......

Jessica Simpson’s Country Debut Not Doing So Hot

Very, very bad news for Jessica Simpson. Her country debut album, Do You Know, was #4 in sales this week, selling only 65,000 copies in an entire week. That is a VERY BAD number for a name as big as Jessica. In contrast, the uber-crappy and under-hyped A Public Affair, her last pop album, sold 101,000 copies its first week in 2006. Meanwhile, Metallica was at the top of the charts this week, selling 490,000 copies. Really? You guys are still buying Metallica albums? Why???...

Father/Son Bonding

Ryan O'Neal and his 24-year-old son, Redmond (who is, tragically, a red-head), were both busted for meth possession early this morning. Authorities said they were doing a probation search at the family's Malibu home when they found Redmond O'Neal in possession of methamphetamine and a vial of the drug was allegedly found in Ryan's bedroom. I bet Redmond was the type of dude who would brag to his friends, like, "Yeah, I know it seems pathetic that I still live at home, but you know what, assholes? Dad...

I Love Anne Hathaway More Each Day

From the New York Daily News: Anne Hathaway kept nipping out for secret cigarettes at the Hollywood Life House at the Toronto Film Festival. A spy says, "Her people don't want anyone to know she smokes." Now, I'm by no means encouraging anyone to smoke (and I am STILL smoke-free, bitches!!!), but I have to admit I'd always kind of viewed Anne as this prissy little princess type, and the more I learn about her, the more I realize that she is definitely flawed and therefore way, way c...